Page 68 of Ruined Beauty

“That’s why you want to choose? Because of what happened to her?”

“Not just that. I don’t want to do things for the wrong reason. If I marry you now, is it just because you’ll protect me from my father?”

“I will.”

“I know you think you will, but I’ve seen the damage he’s done already. He’s a bad man, Marco. I can’t marry a bad man.”

“I’m not your father.”

“Can you be honest with me?”

“What about?”

“Was this whole thing just to piss off my father? Get back at him for what he did to your family?”

“It was, but it’s not anymore.”

“Getting me pregnant? Was that part of it?”

“It was, but things are different now. I wanted to get you pregnant and send you back to him, show him that I sullied his last chance at a legacy. But that’s changed, Anna. Since I met you, I’ve changed.

“You’ve changed me. I want a family with you. I’m not too proud to admit I have feelings for you. Strong feelings like I’ve not had for anyone before. I genuinely think we can make this work. As long as you want it to.”

“I need to think.” I tell him. I put my empty mug down on the floor. “I also need to pee,” I add. “Don’t look, promise?”

“You not going back to the house?”

“Too far. Can’t be bothered.”

I head into the bushes set back from the shore. My mind is whirling as I squat down to pee. I do want to marry him. I’m sure of it. I want to have his baby. There’s no longer any doubt in my mind. I looked into his eyes and I saw the truth there. We can make this work.

I’m about done when a hand falls over my mouth, silencing me before I can scream, dragging me backward through the bushes, away from Marco who’s still looking out at the water, oblivious to what’s happening behind him.



* * *

She doesn’t hate me for what I said. That’s something. I can work with that. Suggests she’ll willingly walk down the aisle.

Revenge no longer seems the most important thing in my mind. Making sure she’s safe comes first. I won’t let her father hurt her ever again. He’s done enough damage. I’m lucky she’s come through it with her personality intact.

When she comes back, I’m going to tell her the truth. I love her. She might as well know the whole truth. I’ve not felt this way about anyone. Like in a game of poker, it’s time to go all in.

I hear a rustling in the bush, but I give her time like I promised. I’ve a bad feeling in my gut, but I try to ignore it. A couple of minutes pass and she still hasn’t emerged. No one knows we’re here. It’s safe.

Unless there’s something I’ve missed.

I get a sinking feeling as I get to my feet. What if he wasn’t tracking us using GPS devices? What if someone’s been feeding him information about our whereabouts? That would mean he would know about the cabin. Which would mean…

I run over to the bushes. She’s not there. Two options. She’s decided to run. Or she’s been taken.

I look down at the ground. Her footprints. Next to them, another pair. And another.

Two men, dragging her backward. Shit. I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight. This is all my fault.

I promised her she was safe here. I was wrong. I only hope I can get to her before my mistake costs me her life.