Page 57 of Ruined Beauty

“You can’t do anything until after the funerals.”

“I know what custom dictates,” I snap back. “I’ll hold off until they’re buried, but the moment it’s over I want our men in there, hitting him hard. Show him we’re not taking this lying down.”

“Got it. I’ll set it all up. Anything else?”

“Yeah, I want to do something nice for Anna.”

I tell him what I have in mind, and he chuckles. “I’ll get that set up, too. You are thinking of keeping her then?”

“I don’t know. We’ll see.”

“That might piss off Piper even more than sending her back to him. Funeral’s tomorrow at noon. You going to make it in time.”

“Send a plane to Idle Field airfield for six in the morning. Make sure it’s well guarded.”

“Will do. I’ll see you at the funeral.”

I hang up the phone. Three minutes. Not long enough for a trace. We’re safe for now.

I’m not sure how to get us to the airfield, but I saw a couple of cars out back. I’ll get one of them to start and get us there in time.

That gives me the rest of tonight to take care of her.

I head into the kitchen, but there’s not much food to choose from. In the end, I rummage out some potato chips and a couple of beers. I’ve held onto the cash I had for the restaurant, made sure that didn’t go up in flames. I leave it on the kitchen counter.

There’s enough there to make the farmer forget how pissed he’ll be when he finds out we spent the night here. Enough to pay for the car I’m going to steal and to clear his mortgage. The cash is the last thing that might be bugged. Better to leave it with someone else than carry it myself.

I know we’ve got all night to ourselves. There’s a calendar near the den and the farmer has conveniently written on it when he’s away hunting. Won’t be back for two days. We’re not going to be disturbed anytime soon.

I head back up and push open the bathroom door. The water’s drained and there’s no sign of Anna.

I listen. The bedroom behind me. I walk in and there she is, wrapped in a towel, sitting on the edge of the bed, her hair sticking to her, dripping down onto her chest. She’s running a brush through it.

“No hair dryer,” she says after a long pause while she looked at my naked body. “This is going to look crazy if I don’t at least get it brushed.” She’s pointedly trying not to look down at my cock, her eyes staying fixed on mine.

“I’ve booked a jet to get us to the funeral tomorrow,” I tell her. “We need to be up early.”

“I doubt I’m going to get any sleep at all.” She’s still looking everywhere but at my body.

“Maybe I can help with that.”

“How? Whack me over the head with a stick?”

“I’ve a much better idea. Lie on your front.”


“On the bed. Lie on your front.”

“I’m naked under this towel.”

“I’m well aware of that. Do as I say.”

She looks up at me, fear flashing in her eyes.

“Trust me,” I tell her, managing a smile.

She gulps, turning around and laying on her front. The towel slides off either side of her, revealing her body to my gaze. I’m hard in an instant. She looks perfect.