Page 33 of Ruined Beauty

I picture the targets as Piper’s head. His blood splattering as I take him out. One shot isn’t enough. He deserves to suffer for what he’s done. My plan means he will suffer.

So will she, says a voice in the back of my head. I ignore it. If she suffers, so be it. There’s always collateral damage in war. Can’t do anything about that.

She doesn’t deserve it.

I put the gun down. I can’t focus. I go back through to the gym and jump on the treadmill, working my way up to sprinting.

Sweat pours off me as I try to outrun my thoughts. I keep going until my legs can take no more.

With my heart pounding like it might pop, I ease off, heading back upstairs to shower off for a second time. I stay under the freezing water for as long as I can manage. When I get out, I have my head under control.

This is business, not personal. She is a means to an ends. I marry her because it suits my purposes, not because I’m falling for her. I get her pregnant because it will cause Piper excruciating pain, not because I want a family with her. Of course I don’t want a family with her. I barely know her. She’s the daughter of my enemy. She’s a means to an ends. That’s all.

I hear a noise as I turn the water off. It’s the alarm down on the first floor. I recognize the strident sound. Zone two. Back door into the garden. She’s getting out.

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself. Cursing her stubbornness, I take the stairs down two at a time. I march through the house to the back door. She’s found a crow bar from somewhere and is in the process of trying to jam the door open.

She spots me coming and shrieks.

“You’ll have to work harder to get out of here,” I tell her, picking her up off her feet and shoving her over my shoulder.

She swings the crowbar at me, so I yank it out of her hand, tossing it behind me. “I can tell we’re going to have to do things the hard way,” I snap, walking through the corridor into my study. I dump her on her feet. “Do not move,” I yell at her, kicking the door shut behind me.

I look at her and she moves her eyes back up to my face. I know where she was just looking. The towel has slipped right down to my hips. I saw the way her pupils dilated when she was looking down there. I know what she’s thinking.

My cock hardens at the thought of what she was imagining just now. It was lust taking over her rational mind. She’s trying to control it, but she’s struggling. That’s why she wants to leave so bad, because she wants me. That will make this so much easier.

I feel my cock growing. It pushes at the front of the towel. She glances down again, her cheeks flushing. She has to force her eyes to meet mine.

I say nothing about what she’s just seen. She’ll see it soon enough. “What was the plan once you escaped?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” she replies, scowling at me. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

“You’re miles from anywhere. I have alarms and cameras covering the entire perimeter of this place.”

“I had to try, all right.”

I remember what Eva said. Try to be nice to her. “It’s not so bad,” I say, the words hard to get out. I’m not used to tempering my voice. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“So you say. Why should I believe you?”

“Because I may be many things, but I’m not a liar.”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“You heard for yourself last night. Your father murdered my family.”

“But why does marrying me make up for that?”

“It is complicated. You would not understand.”

She folds her arms, pushing her breasts together. I get the sudden urge to whip my towel away and then force her to her knees. I manage to resist, but only just. “If you want me to do this,” she says, glancing down at my towel again, her eyes widening just a flicker, “you need to make me understand.”

“I will explain everything,” I tell her, my cock twitching with need, “as long as you agree to have breakfast with me.”

“Fine,” she says after a moment’s thought.

“In a fresh outfit. Giuseppe will have an entire wardrobe at your disposal by now.”