Page 21 of Ruined Beauty

“What terms?”

“We get married and we have a child together.”

“Sorry, are you being serious right now? Is that the job offer I came all this way for?”

“Something wrong?”

“When you said you had a job for me, I wasn’t exactly expecting this. You can’t be serious. You’ve got to be joking.”

“I don’t make jokes.”

“Apparently not.” She gets to her feet. “I should go.”

I shake my head. “You misunderstand. This is not a situation you are free to walk away from. You are staying here. You are marrying me. You will have my child. You better get used to the idea. Just because you aren’t in chains doesn’t mean you aren’t my captive.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t have to do anything you tell me.” She tries to push past me into the hallway.

I let her walk that way. “There’s no way out,” I tell her, following her down the corridor. “The door is locked and it remains that way until I say otherwise. My staff guard the entire building. Your stay can be as easy or as hard as you make it but you are staying.”

She spins around, looking furious. “I am not marrying you,” she snaps. “You’re insane.”

“Nevertheless, this is happening, so you better get used to the idea.”

She turns around again, marching toward the front door. She yanks at the handle. The door doesn’t move, not in the slightest.

“Unlock this,” she says.

“I see you are struggling to grasp the situation you find yourself in,” I tell her, walking toward her while I talk. “So let me make this clear.” I reach out, grabbing hold of her and picking her up like I did in the bar.

She fights me, cursing loudly. “Put me down right now!”

I hoist her over my shoulder, carrying her up the stairs. Let her fight. Let her get it all out of her system.

“This will be your room,” I tell her, kicking a door open. “My maid will fetch you for a bath in five minutes. Be ready.”

I dump her on her feet inside the room, pulling the door shut before she can protest. I turn the key in the lock, walking away to the sound of her thumping fists and yelling voice.

I smile to myself as I walk back toward the stairs. Eva is standing at the top of them, her arms folded, frowning at me. “What?” I ask, knowing that look of hers.

“You could have been nicer.”

I shake my head. “She needs to accept what is happening.”

“You want her screaming and fighting you the whole way?”

“She won’t do that.”

“She will if you treat her like that the whole time.” She smiles, taking a step toward me. “I know you’re hurting, Marco, even if you don’t show it.” She puts an arm on my shoulder. “I’ve known you twenty years. You’re like a son to me. I am not saying this because it brings me pleasure. I am merely trying to help you.”

“Get to the point, Eva.”

“She doesn’t know anything about our world. She’s an outsider. It’s all a shock to her. Give her some time to get used to things.”

“She doesn’t deserve time. She’s a Piper.”

“Her surname is White. She left his name behind when she was still a child. You need to be nice to her, Marco, else she’ll fight you every single step of the way. You want her to agree to walk down the aisle, right? You don’t want to have to drag her down it screaming and crying?”

I growl but say nothing.