Page 2 of Ruined Beauty

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You slept with Phil from Corporate last month, right?”

“Who said that?”

“Phil did.”

“You believe everything you hear?”

“So you’re saying you didn’t sleep with him?”

I shake my head. “You’ve been duped, Frank.” I don’t add that I haven’t so much as kissed a man, let alone slept with one.

“What about Mike over at Riverside?”




“The guy who brings the frozen on Saturday mornings.”

“Eww, definitely not.”

He shrugs. “Oh, well. My offer still stands. What do you say?” He winks at me.

I look him square in the eye. “Your office is cramped. Your trashcan is overflowing with take out wrappers, which stink by the way. That one, Kung Pao Palace? That shut three years ago.”


“Let me finish. This carpet is so worn, a good sneeze will see it flying off into a million pieces of dust. This entire office needs condemning. And you want me to get on my knees in this rat filled plague pit and suck you off? For what? Otherwise, you call the cops with zero evidence that I did anything?”

“You stole a load of vodka. That ain’t nothing.”

“Got me on camera, have you?”

“No, but I’ve got a witness statement.”

“Can I get back to work, Frank?”

“I’ll make it simple, Anna. Either you and me make a deal or you’re fired.”

“For what?”

“Theft, lateness, kicking some kiddies in the face. You name it, I’ll put it on the paperwork.”

“It’s like that, is it?”

“I guess it is.”

I pull off my name badge and throw it onto the desk. “You know what?” I snap. “I’ve put up with you ‘accidentally’ touching my ass whenever you walk past me in the shop floor. I’ve put up with not having a lunch break for months on end because we’re always too busy and no one with any dignity wants to work here. I’ve put up with customers spitting in my face because we’re out of toilet paper. I’ve put up with you telling me the customer is always right whenever it happens.”

He’s coughing as I talk, his face turning red as he tries to speak over me. “You need this job,” he splutters. “I know you do.”

“I don’t need it this much.” I point a finger directly at him. “I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, Frank. I quit.” I turn my hand so I’m giving him the finger. “Take this job and go fuck yourself with it.”

“You don’t quit. You’re fired,” he snaps. “You frigid witch. Lazy and useless, that’s you. This is what I get for talking on care leavers. None of you are worth a damn.”