His father flew backward, but as soon as Rita was free from his grasp, Jag had no more attention for the man. Law enforcement had been quick on Jag’s heels; they would deal with his father.

Instead, all of his focus landed on his wife.

“Are you hurt?” Jag asked her, frantically checking her arms and legs where the ropes chafed against her skin.

Rita shook her head. “No. Not even scared now that you’re here.”

“I’m not sure your confidence isn’t misplaced, but I’m grateful for it,” he said.

“Spare me the romantic reunion,” his father croaked from the floor behind them, where he had pushed himself to his feet. “Your bride and I were just discussing the happy news.”

“You have nothing to discuss with my bride,” Jag said coldly, “now or ever.”

His father clucked his tongue at him. “Now, is that any way to speak with the father who loves you?”

Rather than engage his father in his games, though, once again, Jag turned his back on the old man, giving his attention instead to his wife. “Let’s get these ropes off you, shall we?” he said to her.

“You will look at me when I speak to you. I am your father and you will love and respect me,” his father warned ominously. “Dammit, Jahangir, look at me. Your king addresses you!”

But Jag did not turn.

Instead, he worked on the ropes that held Rita in place.

Only when she was free did he address his father, finally turning to look at him with nothing but pity in his eyes.

“I neither love nor respect you, Father, and your days as King have come to an end.”

Scoffing, his father said, “Youthful defiance and arrogance.”

But Jag shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Father. I have just finished debriefing the people of Hayat on the collection of information and evidence I have put together to depose you a thousand times over. You are not my king, nor the people’s king, and you ceased to be my father a long time ago. You will be tried and punished through the legal system according to your crimes, and it will take the people some time to rebuild their faith and trust in the royal family, which they will because of my and my wife’s efforts, but you, you will never rule again.”

Choking on his own rage spittle, the old King sputtered, “You will never sleep again, knowing I am out there, plotting.”

Rita sucked in a quiet gasp, but Jag held firm. “I know you will try. I just won’t be losing any sleep over it. It’s finished. I should have ended this a long time ago. You’re going to prison, Dad.”

As if the drama were being staged rather than lived in real life, the authorities chose that moment to finally make their entrance, converging on the former King to arrest him.

But Jag had no time or attention for his father any longer.

Pulling Rita into his arms, he held her to him as closely as her enormous belly would allow, pressing desperate kisses on the top of her head, grateful to press her into the safety of his arms.

Only when he heard her muffled “Jag, I can’t breathe” did he release her from the lock of his hold, and even then, only wide enough to allow her to pull back a fraction.

“How did he get to you?” he demanded when she did.

Smiling, her eyes filled with tears again. “It was just like you warned me. It was like getting jumped by a bunch of ninjas, rappelling in from the roof.”

Shaking his head, he said, “I’m sorry, Rita. I broke my promise. I didn’t keep you safe.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, her embrace delicate yet strong, she said, “Oh, Jag. You tried. I just didn’t listen. You were right about Jana. I’m sorry I was too headstrong to see that.”

Pulling back to look at her, he shook his head. “No, Rita. You were right. It wasn’t right to ask you to hem yourself in because I could not handle how much being in love with you, loving our children, terrifies me. I am so sorry you had to experience this, but there is one thing I am grateful for—a silver lining, if you will.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“Who knows how long it would have taken you to calm down enough to admit you were in love with me if we’d just stayed home?” he teased.

But this time, she did not match his energy.