“Right this way, Your Majesty,” he said as he ushered her toward a door set apart from most of the backstage traffic.

She grimaced at his form of address, but appreciated the rescue. Inside, the room was a shock of cozy warm-toned beige and tan, with a coffee table set with a lovely bouquet of flowers and refreshments, and an arrangement of plush furniture.

“We’ve prepared the green room according to your secretary’s instructions, but don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything you need.”

Unaware that she’d even given instructions in the first place, Mina merely nodded with the words, “Thank you.”

The King had not arrived by the time the stage manager came to escort her, ready for her cue, so she walked onstage alone.

The lights on the stage were too bright for her to make out the live audience, for which she was grateful. She didn’t need to see the faces of the people she was worried about making a fool of herself in front of, on top of everything else.

Though she couldn’t make them out in detail, she could tell that they, like Jasper Caspian, at his famous desk, came to their feet as she entered the stage. The stage band played the last chords of the national anthem as she took the seat nearest to Jasper’s desk, knees together, legs crossed at the ankles, as Roz had instructed.

Angled toward him for their conversation, she got her first view of Jasper Caspian, up close and personal. The first thing that struck her was how large his head was. Not only was it slightly oversized for his frame, it was particularly round. Coupled with his large eyes, it made him look faintly like a cartoon come to life.

Knowing it contributed to his visual interest and appeal, the biologist in her was fascinated.

His hair was white-blond and...swoopy. That was the only word for it. Thick, silky, and swoopy. His eyes and eyebrows were deep brown, a startling contrast to the rest of his fair coloring, and the combination was likely what he owed his rise to stardom to.

He studied her in return, his expression cunning as he took in every detail. And as the wild cheering of the audience settled, Jasper’s smile grew.

When they’d finally sat down in their seats and quietened, he said, “I’d say let’s give the Queen of Cyrano a warm welcome, but any warmer than that and we’d be breaking our fire codes!”

The audience laughed at his joke, but sedately, as he’d clearly wanted. Obviously he was an expert at managing the energy of a large group of people.

Mina was impressed.

“So, Queen Mina—that’s what they told me to call her, folks, we’re not being fresh—you’re finally here. The mysterious, multitalented woman who captured our King’s...heart.”

The man imbued his pause with the energy of salacious wink and the audience ate it up.

Mina couldn’t help the smile that spread across her own face, despite recognizing in him each and every class clown she’d ever had the challenge of teaching. It made her happy to think of any one of them finding their place in the world, as Jasper so clearly had.

“We’re all dying to know...well,everything. Start with that.”

Mina waited for the laughter to die down before saying, “Well, I suppose I should start where it all began.”

Jasper leaned in. “Yes. Do.”

Mina laughed, unable to fight her growing ease in his presence. She moistened her lips, smiled wide, and said, “It begins with Cyrano, of course. In fact, I was born and raised right here in the capital. A dyed-in-the-wool, tried-and-true, homegrown Cyranese capital rat.”

Jasper’s eyes flashed his admiration even as he smiled. “That’s right...that’s right,” he said. “They’re calling you ‘the commoner who caught a king.’ You are the very first commoner to marry into the royal family in Cyranese history. Did you know that?”

Mina did not know that—had not, in fact, even ever thought of it. But, rather than miss a beat, she simply admitted it, saying, “No. I had no idea. I must admit for most of my life I’ve been focused on being appointed to the King’s council.”

Jasper’s smile widened. “Indeed, you are a queen of firsts. But, of course, what we all really want to hear about is how you snared the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom.”

Mina opened her mouth to reply, only to be drowned out by the collective gasp of the audience and Jasper at her side.

All the attention in the room was focused on the man walking on stage to join her. And then the audience was on their feet once again.

Without needing to turn, she knew it was Zayn. But when she did turn, he looked different.

First and foremost, he had the beginnings of a beard, the dark stubble lending the hard planes of his face a sense of warmth and wisdom. His hair was styled neatly, but more naturally. And that was not the most dramatic change.

For the first time since his father’s death, the King wore a color other than black.

Admittedly, the very deep navy of his trim suit was not a far jump from his usual palette, but in someone as closely scrutinized as the King, the difference might as well have been a shout. Like a monarch of old, he had come out of mourning.