Page 108 of Liar Liar

“Becca,” they both said together, but I couldn’t…

I took off down the hall, running from their calls. My bag flapped behind me, colliding with a couple of kids who shouted, “Watch it.” But I didn’t stop and apologize. I had to get the hell out of there.

It was all a lie.

Scarlett’s friendship.

Evan’s knight-in-shining-armor act.

All of it part of some plan to protect the new girl.

It didn’t make sense. Yet, if I looked at the last couple of months, it did.

Scarlett’s intervention when Kendall had locked us in Mr. Phillips’ classroom. How she happened to be outside that room right at that very moment. The numerous times Evan had shown up and saved me. The Vault, Rogues, the party at Bannam’s. He was always there. As if he was expecting something to happen.

Because he was.

Scarlett had said Evan asked her to look out for me. He knew, even before I arrived, that Kendall had it out for me. But the question I still didn’t have the answer to was how.

How did he know?

I’d never once seen him interact with Kendall. It was like they were nothing to one another, but how could he know that she intended on making my life hell unless… all along the link was the one staring me in my face.

Evan and Kendall.

“Becca, wait, please, give me a chance to explain.”

My chest heaved with ragged breaths as I came to a halt and spun around. I’d run all the way to the end of the school parking lot. A crowd had gathered at the door, watching us, whispering to one another. Evan held out his hands as he approached me, but I stepped back. “How much did you hear?”

“Enough.” I narrowed my eyes, biting back the tears.

“You need to hear it all before you rush to any conclusions.”

“Rush to any conclusions?” I spat. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You. Lied.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face, and I saw the pain in his eyes. “I had good reason.”

“Did you have good reason to let me believe that you liked me? That there was something real between us? Or was sleeping with me all part of the ‘let’s screw Becca over even more’ plan?” I hissed out, not caring if anyone heard us. From the rise in decibels, I figured some of our audience had.

Evan blanched as ifmywords stung.

Good. I hoped they inflicted even an ounce of the pain currently carving its way through my chest.

“Becca.” He let out a soft sigh. “You know it’s real.”

“Answer me one question.”


“How did you know Kendall was coming after me?”

The color drained from his face, and I knew I was right. He did know Kendall—somehow, someway they had a connection. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.

“We should talk somewhere in private.”

“No, I think right here is fine. Answer the question, Evan.”

“It’s complicated.” His expression turned to stone.