When he’d passed her on the stairs, he’d been tempted to say hi, see if he could start a conversation. But he’d stopped himself,convinced that a woman who looked like that wouldn’t be here alone. He narrowed his gaze as he watched her. She was sitting alone at a table out on the deck, sipping a glass of wine. He pursed his lips. The guy she was with had probably just gone to the bathroom. He’d no doubt come back at any moment. Bentley smiled to himself; there was no harm in looking in the meantime.

The longer he watched her, the more apparent it became that she was alone. More than that, she seemed perfectly at ease by herself. She was comfortable in her own company. She alternately looked out at the lake – even though it was getting dark now, the view was still spectacular – and looked around the restaurant. It was obvious that she wasn’t looking for anyone, more like she was simply observing. She wasn’t good at hiding her emotions. She chuckled as she watched a group of guys chatting and laughing. Then she frowned when her gaze, which Bentley followed, landed on a couple who looked like they were getting into an argument.

He watched curiously as the bartender, Kenzie, approached her. Interesting. It would seem that the two of them knew each other quite well. If he hadn’t met her in the hallway earlier, the way the brunette chatted with Kenzie would give him the impression that she was a local. He was relieved that she wasn’t. He took a big gulp of his bourbon as he wondered why that was.

He set the glass down when the answer became apparent. If she were a local there was no way that he’d make any attempt to talk to her. But since a local wouldn’t be staying at the resort, and since there was no boyfriend making his way back to the table – he’d already checked out her left hand, and there were no rings there that would indicate a fiancé or husband … He nodded to himself. He was, he was going to talk to her.

He started to get to his feet, wondering as he did what kind of icebreaker he should approach her with. Then, he sat back down on his stool as he watched her get up and follow Kenzie in the direction of the bar.

~ ~ ~

Alyssa was happy to follow Kenzie back to the bar; it had been wonderful to sit and eat dinner out by the water, but it was starting to get busier outside now. The band was setting up, and soon she wouldn’t be able to hear herself think out there. She’d rather watch the band from inside. She was okay taking herself out to dinner, but she wasn’t comfortable dancing by herself.

Her stride faltered as they neared the bar, and she spotted the hot guy from the stairwell. Wow! He really was a good-looking guy. He didn’t quite look like he fit in at The Boathouse, though. He looked more like a businessman in casual attire than a run-of-the-mill tourist. She hurried to catch up when Kenzie looked back over her shoulder at her.

“I’ll find you a seat at the end of the bar near my station. I …” She cocked an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”

Alyssa shrugged, not wanting to admit that she’d been staring at the hot guy.

Unfortunately, Kenzie was too sharp. She looked back at the bar and let out a laugh when her gaze landed on him. “You’ve got good taste, girlfriend, but don’t you dare tell Chase I said that.”

Alyssa had to laugh with her. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare.”

“Good girl. Now, follow me, and I’ll introduce you.”

Alyssa caught her arm and stopped her. “No! Don’t do that.”

Kenzie gave her a puzzled look. “Why the hell not? If I were here by myself – and of course, if I weren’t married – I’d be all over that.”

“I know, I’d like to. Don’t get me wrong, but …” She glanced at the guy again and a shiver ran down her spine when he met her gaze and smiled.

“Oh no, no way, girlfriend! I just saw that look,” said Kenzie. “He’s into you. You should so go for it.” She narrowed her eyes at Alyssa. “I’ll be disappointed in you if you don’t.”

Alyssa had to laugh. “I’d hate to disappoint you, Kenzie, I really would, but…”

“But what? How could there be a but when it comes to a guy like that?” She laughed. “In fact, don’t bother to answer that because even if you come up with a good reason for a but, I’d still say that it should wait till the morning.”

Alyssa slapped her arm. “Kenzie! I’m not … I wouldn’t …” She could feel the heat in her cheeks as she added, “I’ve never …”

Kenzie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Girlfriend, are you telling me that you’ve never hooked up with a guy? That you’ve never seen one you wanted, gone after him, and taken him home for the night?”

Alyssa knew that her cheeks were flaming red as she shook her head. “I’m not like that! I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with it,” she added hurriedly. “It’s just …” She shook her head, not sure what else she could or should say.

Kenzie linked her arm through hers with a smile. “Well, if there’s nothing wrong with it, there’s a first time for everything, sugar.”

As Kenzie started walking her toward the bar again, Alyssa’s mind raced. She couldn’t! Could she? He probably wouldn’t even… She chanced another look at the guy as they neared the bar. The way he let his gaze travel over her told her in no uncertain terms that he most likely would.

“But, Kenzie! I …”

Kenzie gave her a stern look. “You what? Come on, get all your excuses out before we get there because once we do…”

“I … What if he knows my dad?”

Kenzie shook her head. “He doesn’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’ve never seen him in here before. If he knew your dad, I can pretty much guarantee you that he would have been in here before – that I’d at least recognize him. Do you think I’d forget a face – or a body – like that?”