“I am, too. It’s perfect. I love this house. It’s going to be our home, so it’s right that we should begin our married life right here.”

“Come on then, let’s go do it.”

Chelsea went and opened the bedroom door and peeked out.

“What are you doing?” asked Mary Ellen.

“Making sure there’s no one out here who shouldn’t see your dress yet.”

She heard her dad’s voice from out in the hallway. “I want to see it, and it’s about time we made our way out there.”

Chelsea opened the door wide and Mary Ellen’s eyes filled with tears at the way her dad looked at her.

“Oh, Mary El, you look beautiful, love.”

She went to him and he wrapped her in a hug.

“I’m so proud of you.”

She had to swallow hard.

“Take it easy, you two,” said Chelsea with a smile. “I’ll have to fix her makeup if she starts crying, and we don’t have time for that.”

Mary Ellen took her dad’s arm and they stood at the top of the grand stairway. She smiled at Chelsea. “Don’t worry about us. You get your skinny little butt down there and let them know we’re coming.”

~ ~ ~

Antonio stood shoulder to shoulder with Marcos under the gazebo on the terrace. This was perfect. There were rows of seats facing him with a little aisle down the middle. He smiled out at all the familiar faces. His parents were on the front row on his side, and at his request, Rodney sat with them. Behind them were his friends. Jack and Pete and their wives. Nate and Lily sat with Smoke and Laura. On the other side of the aisle, Mary Ellen’s mom sat smiling at him. She was going to make a better mother-in-law than he’d first thought. She just needed to loosen up a little, and he knew he could help with that. Aunt Madeleine and Uncle Cole sat on the front row with her. He loved that. When they understood how the guest list was working out, they’d asked to be on the bride’s side. Mary Ellen was as good as family to them. Behind them sat Cam and Piper and Grant and Molly and a handful of Mary Ellen’s friends from Hamilton-Groves. He was sure that between them they could have filled a cathedral with friends and acquaintances, but this was right. This day was for the two of them, and they would share it with the people who meant most to them in the world.

Marcos dug him in the ribs and he looked at the doorway leading out from the living room. He sucked in a deep breath as the music struck up, and then let it out with a chuckle as Chelsea appeared. She looked great, but she wasn’t the one he was waiting for.

His laughter dried in his throat as Mary Ellen appeared, holding onto her dad’s arm. She looked amazing. The dress was perfect. It molded to her figure, showing off her perfect hour-glass. He closed his eyes for a second against the unexpected stirring in his pants. The wedding night would be here soon enough. Right now wasn’t the moment to think about that. Right now he wanted to focus on everything else the love he felt for her meant to him. She was everything. She’d made him into a man, a man he was proud of, a man who was going to love her for the rest of her days and who would be proud to call her his wife.”

His chest buzzed with happiness as she met his gaze and smiled. How had he ever been scared of her? She was amazing. She was kind and generous. He could see it in the eyes of everyone she passed as she made her way down the aisle to him. Lyle from the office blew her a kiss as she passed him, and Antonio chuckled as she gave him a stern look. That was why he’d been scared—she stood for no bullshit. He didn’t need to fear that anymore—because there’d never be any bullshit between the two of them. He’d given her his heart, and with it, he was making her a solemn promise that would do everything within his power to be the man she needed him to be—to be a man they could both be proud of.

It took forever for her to reach him. When she did, she turned and kissed her dad’s cheek. He swiped a tear from his eye as he placed her hand in Antonio’s. “Take good care of my little girl,” he croaked as he stepped back.

Antonio swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. “I promise. Always.”

He lifted Mary Ellen’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “Are you ready to do this?”

She nodded. “I’m ready.”

“In that case,” said the officiant, “let’s begin. Friends, family, we are gathered here today …”

~ ~ ~

Mary Ellen struggled to focus on the words the officiant was saying. All she could do was stare into Antonio’s eyes. He smiled as he held her gaze, and they each spoke their vows. The whole thing was over so quickly. Antonio slid the ring onto her finger, she slid one onto his and then …

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now …”

Antonio hadn’t waited for permission. He’d already slid his arms around her waist and his lips came down on hers. His kiss made her forget where they were, forget that all their friends and family were watching. All she knew was the feel of his arms around her, the feel of their lips crushed against each other, and the overflowing of all the love in her heart for this beautiful man who was now her husband.

When they came up for air, they were met with a cheer from their friends and family. She grinned at them all as she walked back down the little aisle on Antonio’s arm. The way they’d rehearsed it was that they would go back into the house and meet the officiant in Antonio’s office where they’d sign all the paperwork that made their marriage legal. However, Antonio was deviating from the plan. Instead of taking her back into the house, he was making his way across the terrace toward the side yard. She gave him a puzzled look. “Did you forget about the paperwork?”

He grinned. “No. I just want to show you something first. Trust me?”

She nodded happily. “I do.”