His mom was in the kitchen pouring coffee. “Ciao, bello. You want some?”

He nodded and went to kiss her cheek. “Please.”

She gave him a puzzled look. “Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed?”

He shrugged. “No. I’m good.”

“You’re not. Want to tell your mama?”

He chuckled. “I’m a not a little kid anymore.”

She reached up and kissed his cheek and set a mug of coffee in front of him. “I know this, but you’ll always be my baby.” He sat down, and she ruffled his hair, making him chuckle.

“Did you not get a chance to speak to your lady? Is that why you’re grumpy?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I missed her last night and this morning I found out why. She had to go home to Ohio and her ex-fiancé is there—trying to get her back.”

His mom frowned. “That’s an asshole move!”

He had to laugh. She didn’t pull any punches. “Exactly.”

“So, are you going to leave us and go claim her?”

He pursed his lips and met her gaze.

“You should. This asshole might not be her fiancé anymore, but neither are you.”

Antonio swallowed. “Not formally, no, but …”

His mom wagged her finger at him. “But nothing. You haven’t made it official. She’s free until you … until, how do they say?” She chuckled. “You have to put a ring on it!”

Antonio had to laugh. “I intend to, but it’s too soon.”

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Antonio. This isn’t like you. You don’t talk about it. You do it. Do it now.”

He blew out a sigh. “I want to! I was trying to be patient.”

His mom gave him a stern look. “Patience doesn’t suit you, and it doesn’t seem to be working out for you, does it? You just have to hope this other man isn’t going to steal her away from you.”

“He won’t. She doesn’t want him; she loves me. I know she does, and I love her.”

His mom threw her hands in the air. “Then why is too soon to get married? Go to her, ask her, marry her, before it’s too late.”

He stared at her for a few moments. “I’d have your blessing?”

“Of course! And your father’s. We’ve both been expecting you to tell us about your wedding plans. We know, we can see, this is it for you. This Mary Ellen, she’s the one.”

“She is.”

“So, go make her your wife, but don’t you dare get married without us there. We only need forty-eight hours’ notice, so you have no excuses, carino.”

He got his feet. “Okay.”

“You’re going now?”

He nodded. “I’m going to pack, and I need to change my flights. I’m going to Ohio.”

Chapter Nineteen