“I do. Leave it to me. I’ll think of something.”

She reached up and planted a kiss on his lips. “Let’s not stay out too late then.”

“No? Why not?” He wanted to hear her say that the idea turned her on. He wanted her to tell him that she wanted him. “Does it turn you on?”

She nodded and dropped her gaze. He titled her chin up so she had to look him in the eye. “DoIturn you on?”

She nodded again. “You always have.”

“I have?” That was a pleasant surprise. “I wouldn’t have believed you thought of me in that way before last weekend.”

She gave an embarrassed laugh and stepped away from him. “Believe me, you have no idea.” She picked up her purse and let herself out of the cabin before he could catch up and ask her what she meant.

~ ~ ~

Mary Ellen looked around the large group they were sitting with. She loved it! She loved this place. The resort was even better at night than it had been during the day. The restaurant opened up onto the deck over the water. The band had set up on a little stage under the stars. Moonlight reflected off the water behind them. It was awesome. She loved Antonio’s friends. She felt at home with them straight away and was amazed that, in such a large group, there was no one she didn’t like. They were an odd group, to say the least. All very different people, but the vibe of the group was wonderful. There was such warmth and friendship; she’d swear she could feel it in the air around them.

Antonio had introduced her to his buddies and their wives. She could see why they were friends. Jack, Pete, and Nate were all good-looking, confident men—and they all seemed to know a lot about wine. She liked their wives. Emma was a sweetie who seemed to be quite taken with Antonio—and made no secret of it. Holly was cool, and Mary Ellen could see what Antonio had meant about Pete being a planner and organizer. She liked him, but she felt for Holly. She reminded Mary Ellen that perhaps she should go easier on Cameron at work. Lily was maybe her favorite, if only because of the way she was with her fiancé Nate. He was super hot and a real charmer. Antonio had told her that he used to be a real ladies’ man, but Lily was obviously confident in his affection, and anyone with eyes in their head couldn’t miss how hopelessly in love with her he was.

She turned to look at Antonio. He was chatting with Dan, Jack’s brother, who was some kind of computer genius. Was it possible that he might feel like that about her someday—and that she could ever feel as confident about him as Lily did about Nate? She shook her head slightly. That seemed like a big ask.

Missy, Dan’s wife, caught her eye from across the table. “Are you doing okay, hon?”

Mary Ellen nodded at her. Of all of them, Missy was the one she related to the most. She was down-to-earth and spoke her mind. “I’m great, thanks.”

Missy nodded. “Good. It can get bit overwhelming when we’re all out together.”

Mary Ellen smiled. “I’m not one to get overwhelmed much.”

Missy laughed. “Good. You’re going to have to get used to us if you and your husband buy a place up here.”

Mary Ellen shook her head rapidly. “We’re not married.”

“Oh!” Missy looked shocked. “Oh. Sorry. I thought …” She shook her head. “Don’t mind me. I got the wrong end of the stick.”

Antonio turned and put his arm around Mary Ellen’s shoulders. “Please, don’t apologize, Missy. In fact, keep talking. The more she hears it, the more she might get used to the idea.”

Mary Ellen turned to look up at him. He was joking, right? No. He had that look in his eyes again. He looked like he cared about her. Like he cared what she thought. Like what she thought about what he was saying right now might be very important to him. She smiled uncertainly, and he dropped a kiss on her lips. “Think about it.”

She didn’t get chance to reply.

Emma was standing behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. “Do you want to come and dance?”

Mary Ellen looked around. Most of the girls were heading to the dance floor. Missy grinned at her from across the table. “Come on.”

Antonio held her gaze for a moment. She couldn’t describe the look in his eyes, but she knew for certain he was serious. He wasn’t messing with her. All she had to figure out now was one, if she could allow herself to trust him, and two, this tiny detail of how she really felt about him. She’d had a crush on him forever. She knew he was good-looking. She knew she liked the guy he was turning out to be, but did that mean she was ready for something serious? Something as serious as him being her husband? She shuddered as she followed Missy and Emma out onto the dance floor. She loved the idea in her heart, but her practical mind would need to think long and hard about the reality.

~ ~ ~

Jack grasped Antonio’s shoulder and grinned at him. “So, you’re about to join the rest of us?”

He shrugged.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” asked Pete. “It’s plain as day, you’re besotted with her.”

Antonio nodded and blew out a sigh. “I am, I’m not denying that. But, since you’re so knowledgeable about these things, do you think she feels the same way about me?”

Nate laughed. “You’re not serious? You, the great Antonio Di Giovanni, aren’t sure if a woman’s into you? I thought it went without saying. Look at you. If I weren’t engaged, I’d be throwing my panties at you. You’re like your wines—you just get better with age.”