He chuckled. “I’m happier on two legs or in a boat, also. I just wanted to give you all the options I know of.”

“Thanks.” She let them out of the cabin and he closed the door behind them. “If we’re going to be doing things together, you should probably know that I’m not overly adventurous. I’ll try things if you want to do them, but if it’s down to me I’ll be happy going for a walk or sitting and talking over a glass of wine.”

He smiled. “Or a Margarita?”

She laughed. “How did you know that?”

He tapped the side of his nose. “I pay attention.”

~ ~ ~

Mary Ellen stared out at the lake and drew in a deep breath. “This place is even more beautiful than I pictured it.”

Antonio nodded. “It’s a good place. I haven’t been here in far too long, but if you like it, we can start coming up on the weekends, maybe get ourselves a cabin.”

Mary Ellen looked at him. He meant rent a cabin when they came, right? Not get a vacation home here like Cam and Piper had. She didn’t get chance to ask him to explain as a guy approached their table.

“Antonio! It’s good to see you; the guys said you were coming this weekend.”

Mary Ellen liked the guy immediately. Antonio stood to shake his hand and then wrapped him in his customary hug. “Ben! It’s good to see you. I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Mary Ellen.”

Ben smiled and shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Welcome. How do you like the cabin?”

She smiled. “It’s beautiful. I love the whole resort. It’s a credit to you.”

“Thank you.” The way Ben smiled, she could tell the compliment meant a lot to him—and so it should. The resort was perfect in her eyes. From the wonderful cabin they were staying in, to the amazing scenery, to the deck where they were sitting over the water, Mary Ellen had already fallen in love with the place. “I can’t really stop and chat right now—we’re busy—but you guys are coming out tonight, aren’t you?”

Antonio raised an eyebrow at her and Mary Ellen nodded. “We are. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Good, I’ll catch up with you then. The whole gang will be here, and I’m taking the night off so Charlie and I can have dinner with everyone.”

Antonio grinned at him. “I’m happy everything worked out for the two of you.”

Ben smiled. “Thanks, we got there in the end.” He turned to Mary Ellen. “I’ll introduce you to my wife later.”

“Great. I’ll look forward to it.” Mary Ellen smiled as she watched him walk away. “He seems nice. Is he one of the guys you went to college with?”

“No, but he grew up here with one of them—Pete.” He chuckled. “You’ll probably like Pete the best.”

“Oh, and why’s that?”

He chuckled again. “Because I drive him nuts. He’s like you, he’d rather plan than be spontaneous. He’s organized and practical. He’s the realist while his partner Jack is more of the idea man.”

Mary Ellen smiled. “I’m sure I’ll like them both.”

“I hope you’ll like them all—and their wives.”

“Are they all married now?”

“Jack’s married to Emma, who’s a real sweetheart, and they have a baby girl—Isabel. I haven’t met her yet; I can’t wait.”

Watching his face, Mary Ellen had to smile. He looked genuinely excited at the thought of meeting a baby.

“Pete is married to Holly,” he continued, “and Nate is engaged to Lily. I haven’t met her yet, but I’m curious to.”

“And why’s that?”

He met her gaze and a smile played on his lips. “If I’m honest, I’m curious to know what kind of woman could tame him. He was always something of a ladies’ man.”