Molly shook her head at that. “I’m not there yet. I’m not looking for someone; I’m just feeling the need to get out and live before I get old and die.”

“I think you’ve plenty of time left before you get old,” said Mary Ellen with a smile.

“But you don’t need to waste any more of it working yourself into the ground in here. Let’s write up an ad and start the hunt for someone now before you change mind,” said Chelsea.

Molly laughed. “I’m not going to change my mind, but I don’t want to work on it right now. This is my afternoon off; I want to enjoy it, relax and have fun with you two.” She looked at Mary Ellen. “I want to hear all your news—especially about what went on with Antonio the other night.”

“Oh, forget the other night,” said Chelsea with a grin. “That was just a catalyst for everything that’s happened since. She went out with him last night, and she’s seeing him again tonight.”

Molly grinned at her. “You did? You are? That’s awesome! You have to tell me everything.” She dug Chelsea in the ribs. “And you have to be quiet and let her catch me up.”

Mary Ellen laughed at the indignant look on Chelsea’s face. “Don’t worry, Chels. I’ll be quick.” She filled Molly in on everything that had happened since she’d last seen her in here on Wednesday. At least, almost everything. She finished at the part where Antonio drove her home from his winery last night.

When she finished, Molly and Chelsea looked at each other then back at her. “So, now we’re to the good bit, right?” asked Molly.

Chelsea pursed her lips. “Exactly. I don’t believe any evening with Antonio ever ended with a chaste kiss goodnight at the door.”

Mary Ellen felt the heat in her cheeks. “Well, sorry ladies, but it did. He was trying to be a gentleman, and he didn’t believe that I would sleep with him on a first date anyway.”

Molly laughed. “Oh my God! What have you done to him? I always thought Antonio believed that any woman would sleep with him on a first date.”

Mary Ellen rolled her eyes. “Me too. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m touched that he’s being honorable or pissed that he sleeps with everyone except me on the first date.”

“I think it’s amazing,” said Chelsea. “I really do. I mean, even the fact that it’s a first date. How often does he do a second date? And he wants the two of you to date, like, to see each other. You’ve got him all turned around.”

“You really think so?” Mary Ellen was looking for reassurance. She’d tossed and turned for hours last night. He’d left her hot and horny but also confused. She wanted to believe that he was as into her as he claimed, but at the same time, she didn’t dare to for fear of ending up disappointed and looking stupid.

“It sounds like it to me,” said Molly. “I’ve always thought the two of you would make a great couple.”

Mary Ellen sighed. “Me, too—at least, physically. You know how I am about him. But come on, this is Antonio we’re talking about. Antonio who’s with a different woman every time you see him. Antonio who plays the field. Antonio who doesn’t date, who always has a beautiful, willing starlet on his arm. I just don’t see him getting into a real relationship—and least of all with me.”

“Everyone reaches a point where they settle down sooner or later. Just look at Cameron. He was as bad as Antonio until he met Piper.”

“I wouldn’t say he was that bad.”

“Okay, not quite, but you know what I mean. Maybe Antonio’s just reached his point where he wants more out of life, where he wants to share it with someone special and somehow what happened between the two of you in here the other night made him realize that that someone special has been right under his nose all along.”

“But why would he suddenly go from no interest in me whatsoever to wanting to date?”

Chelsea made a face. “Maybe the same reason you have. Even up until Wednesday afternoon, you swore you had no interest in dating him. He wasn’t someone you were interested in as a person. He was just good to look at, remember?”

“Yes, but I didn’t know who he was. I had the wrong idea about him. I …”

Molly grinned. “Maybe it’s the same for him? Maybe he always thought you were stand-offish and aloof? You always seem that way when he’s around. You’ve never had a fun chat with him or anything, have you? Maybe when he heard you talking to your mom about David, he realized that you weren’t what he thought you were either. He saw your soft side for the first time and liked it.”

“That’d be my guess.” Chelsea nodded her agreement. “Grant said Antonio’s always thought you’re beautiful, but he was scared of you.”

Mary Ellen choked on her drink. “He was scared of me?”

Chelsea nodded happily. “Yeah, you can come across as a real battle-axe when you want to.”

Molly laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I can see him being a bit wary of you. You usually give him a pretty cold shoulder.”

“Wow.” Mary Ellen nodded. “I suppose it could have come across that way.”

“Yeah, we knew you were just hiding your huge crush on him under a cool exterior, but to the rest of the world—especially Antonio—it might well have looked like you despised him.”

“I never thought of that.”