“Don’t worry, I don’t intend to drop these,” she told Grant with a grin.

Chelsea took her glass and took hold of Grant’s hand. She wanted to go and see Cam and Piper and celebrate with them.

Grant didn’t move. Instead, he tugged back on her hand and pulled her to him. No one else had moved or gone back to their conversations. They were still watching them expectantly.

A sense of uneased slid down Chelsea’s spine. There was something going on here. She looked around. Mary Ellen was beaming at her. Her mom and dad stood with their arms around each other looking all dewy eyed. What was going on? She turned to Grant. Even he had a weird look on his face.


She nodded mutely as her eyes filled with tears. She understood what was coming a second before it happened. He took hold of her hand and went down on one knee. “You know I love you, Chelsea. In case you don’t know yet, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We’re going to work together, and I want us to live together. We’re going to make great wines, and I want us to spend a lifetime making great memories. You’re everything I didn’t know I wanted.” He paused. “And I’m everything you didn’t think you needed. In some respects, we couldn’t be more different, but what I’ve learned these past few months is that we couldn’t be more right for each other.” He held up a ring. The big diamond sparkled at her, reminding her of a shooting star. “Will you marry me?”

She nodded. At first, she couldn’t speak around the big lump in her throat. “Yes.” The first time it was just a squeak. “Yes.” That was a little better. “Yes!” This time it came out loud and clear, and a big cheer went up around the room.

Grant slid the ring on her finger and then she slid her arms up around his neck. “I love you, Grant.”

“And I love you, Chelsea.”

When they finally came up from that kiss, they were surrounded by friends and family congratulating them. There were hugs and kisses and slaps on the back. Chelsea grinned and thanked each one of them. When Piper finally got to her, she hugged her tight.

“I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I am, too.”

“I took a bunch of pictures for you.”

“Aww,” Chelsea’s eyes filled with tears. “That’s so sweet that you captured it for us. I didn’t even think!”

“Well, you wouldn’t, would you? You didn’t know it was coming. You dressed as if you knew, though. This dress is perfect. I love it.”

Chelsea smiled as she realized. “Grant picked it out.”

“Aww, he has great taste. Maybe it reminded him of a wedding dress a little bit; it does me.”

“It does a little bit, but I think of it as my fairy godmother dress, and it well and truly came through for me tonight.”

Grant came back to join her and slid his arm around her waist.

“What’s up?”

She shook her head. “I was just telling Piper about how my wish was granted.” ;