Page 2 of Red Wine and Roses

“You work too hard.”

“You play too hard.”

He laughed. “Touché.” He picked the file up and leafed through it. “I can get to these on Monday.”

“And I can get to them now.” She smiled. “Why don’t you head home? You know your mom would love to see you before your brother arrives and whisks you away.”

Cameron nodded. “Thanks, Mary El. I think I’ll do just that.” He got up and came around his desk to hand her the file.

“Good.” She took the file and waved it at him. “So, scram. Go on. Get out of here. You’re making the place look untidy.”

Cameron packed up his things and headed out. He stopped at Mary Ellen’s desk on his way by. She already had her nose buried in the Danson file. “Do you haveanyplans for the weekend?”

She looked up at him with a smile. “I do. I plan to work on these and run interference for you.”

Cameron laughed. “Should be a quiet couple of days then.”

“Ha! You have no idea. They’re all going to want to know where you are and why you’re there and why you aren’t here and when you’ll be back and … ugh!” She waved a hand.

“Aww, now I feel bad. I’m leaving you in a tough spot covering for me, but they know where I’m going.”

“They know where yousaidyou’re going, but they’ll want to find out the real story. My phone will be blowing up all weekend.”

“Do you want to come with me?”

Her eyes widened, and Cameron wondered why he’d suggested it. He shrugged. “You could hide out.”

She shook her head. “Thanks, but no thanks. Now, are you leaving, or not?”

“On my way. Call me if you need anything.”

“I won’t.”

He looked back when he reached the door. “Thanks, Mary El. You’re the best.”

She nodded. “And don’t you forget it.”

Cameron drew in a deep breath as he emerged from the lobby and the sun warmed his skin through his shirt. Much as he loved his work, it felt good to be out in the fresh air. He was looking forward to spending some time outdoors this weekend. He was going to stay at the resort in Summer Lake, the small town where his brother, Cole, lived. He knew Cole and his fiancée, Laura, rarely got any time alone together, and he hadn’t wanted to stay at their house with them. He reached his car and was about to open the door when he stopped.


He screwed up his eyes for a second, then forced a smile and turned around. “Larissa.”

She came teetering across the parking lot with a predatory smile on her face. “Surely you’re not leaving so early?”

“Yep. I’m out of here for the weekend.”

She raised her sleek eyebrows. “I heard you were going out of town, but I thought I’d catch you here before you leave.” She reached up a hand to swat some imaginary speck from his shoulder. “Give you a good send off?”

Cameron smiled. “Sorry. Too late. I have to get going.”

“Are you sure?” She ran her hand down his arm. “It wouldn’t have to take long.”

He had to laugh. Last weekend they’d enjoyed each other for hours and hours.

She pouted. “Why’s that funny?”

“I’m sorry. It’s not. It’s just that you’re not a quickie kind of girl, and we both know it.”