Page 12 of Red Wine and Roses

Once the decision was made, she flew back to Texas to pack up her life. It was amazing how quick and easy it was. She ordered one of those storage units that they bring to you, and you fill up with your stuff. In just two days, she had the house empty and the unit full. The guy who came to pick it up assured her that it would be kept safely in the warehouse until she needed it, and then they’d move it to wherever she wanted. If she came back here, they’d deliver it right back to her, and if she made the move to California a permanent one, then they’d ship it out there to her. She didn’t ask how much that would cost. She’d deal with that detail when and if she had to.

Giving her notice at work was a huge relief. She sat in the scheduler’s office and smiled sweetly at him when he told her that giving no notice like this would cost her all the paid holidays she’d accrued. They both knew she’d never have gotten to take them as paid holidays anyway. He’d screwed her over on the roster every chance he got.

When she left the airport for the last time, she felt free. She went to the cemetery, wondering if it would be tough, but it wasn’t. In the year since her mom was buried here, Piper had always felt like she was coming to visit a headstone, not her mom. Her mom wasn’t here in this place. She wasn’t even in the house. She was with Piper, wherever she went. She’d be as close to her in California as she was here.

She took a little time for herself when she got back to Summer Lake and lived like a tourist for a couple of days. She took a boat out on the lake, went four-wheeling in the mountains, and went out to the riding stables where she made fast friends with the girl who owned the place, Lily. She was another one of Laura’s group of friends, and it reassured Piper that this was the right move for her. She was going to have a great job here; she was going to have friends. She was going to be happy. By the time the weekend rolled around again, she felt as though she’d made the best move of her life. She was excited about the future—and as much as she tried to deny it to herself, she was excited at the prospect of seeing Cameron again.

She knew he was coming for the weekend. He was arriving on Friday evening, and she was hoping that they might get to spend some more time together this weekend. She was fairly sure that he was attracted to her. She was dead sure that she was attracted to him. So, hopefully, maybe, they might spend some time together and do the things that two people who are attracted to each other do.

She sat down on the bed. Ben had given her a great rate on a room here at the lodge for however long she needed it. She was going to start looking for a place soon, but she wanted to get a feel for what her life was going to be like first. She needed to buy herself a vehicle; that had to come first. She didn’t want to spend all her savings on the rental car she had at the moment. She’d like to get a place in town; she’d like to be able to walk everywhere when she wasn’t working. But if she was going to be at the airport at all hours, then she might need to live closer to it, plus, it’d be cheaper out there than in town.

She got up again and went to look out the window. She’d been perfectly happy to entertain herself for the last couple of days. She didn’t mind horseback riding or boating by herself, but she felt a little less comfortable going out to dinner by herself. Especially on a Friday night. Laura was coming back tonight, but Piper had told Smoke that she’d see them over the weekend. She was sure that they’d want some time to themselves. She could see the deck of the restaurant from here and smiled when she spotted a large group who’d pulled a couple tables together. They were all Laura’s friends. That made her feel better. She’d go down there in a little while and join them.

~ ~ ~

Cameron pulled up in the square at the resort and sat there for a moment. Was he nuts? He’d had a crazy week at work, and he had so much to get through before the Evanson purchasing team showed up on Wednesday, but here he was. He’d come back to Summer Lake for the weekend. To be here in case he could help out with any wedding preparations—he was the best man, after all. Ha. Who was he trying to kid? He’d love to be of use to his brother if he was needed, but Cole had everything covered. He was here because he wanted to see Piper again. He’d had the toughest time getting her out of his head all week. Larissa had been waiting for him when he got back on Sunday night. How the hell she did it, he didn’t know, but she was just getting out of her car outside his building when he pulled up. She’d tried to invite herself in with him, but Cameron had managed to send her home, claiming he was too tired after his trip. Of course, she’d assumed that he was too tired because he’d spent the weekend screwing someone else. He couldn’t explain to himself, let alone to her, why he didn’t want to sleep with her. He’d had a raging boner for most of the weekend, and Larissa would have willingly provided him with some relief, but it wasn’t Larissa he wanted. He had a nasty feeling that pent-up frustration wasn’t because he wanted sex. It was because he wanted Piper.

He looked out the car window. He’d spaced out again. He opened the door and went to get his bag out the back. He was here now. Hopefully he’d see her very soon, and hopefully this time he’d get over whatever his problem was. He was attracted to her, she was attracted to him. She seemed like a straight-up, straightforward kind of girl. There was no reason they couldn’t spend the night together.

He looked up and smiled as Cole’s friend, Jack, and his wife, Emma, approached. “Hey, guys.”

“Hey,” said Jack. “I didn’t know you were back this weekend.”

“I probably shouldn’t be, but I want to be around if I can do anything to help with the wedding plans.”

“That’s so nice of you,” said Emma.

Cameron smiled, hoping he didn’t look guilty. He didn’t know what it was about Emma, but he had the feeling that she knew that wasn’t the only reason he was here.

“Smoke and Laura aren’t back yet, but there’s a bunch of us here if you want to come and join us,” said Jack.

“Thanks. Are you out on the deck? I’ll go get checked in and then come and find you.”

“Yep, you can’t miss us. We’ve got three tables pulled together so far, and there will probably be four by the time you come back down.”

“Great. I’ll see you in a few.” He picked up his bag and ran up the steps to the lodge. It’d be good to have dinner with the whole gang. He liked them, and it’d make him feel less like he was some creep who’d come back to see Piper while using his brother as an excuse to be here.

He got checked in and went to dump his bag in his room. Once he’d closed the door on his way back out, he stopped in his tracks. There she was. Piper had just come out of the room next to his. She looked up and smiled politely before she realized who he was.

Cameron grinned. “Hey.”

“Hi.” There was a touch of pink on her cheeks.

For a moment he was lost for words. He just stood there, grinning at her like an idiot. He had to get a grip. She’d think he was a crazy if he didn’t pull himself together. “Are you joining everyone for dinner?” She looked uncomfortable. Uh-oh. Maybe she had other plans. Maybe she had a date? She was a good-looking woman, and she was new in town. Maybe some other guy had beat him to it? He raised an eyebrow.

She gave an embarrassed laugh. “I’m thinking about it. I can see everyone’s out there, but I feel a bit awkward about just inviting myself to join them. I was going to go into the bar and have a drink first, work up the courage.”

Relief washed through him. “Would you mind if I join you?”

She smiled. “Not at all; I’d like that.”

“Great.” They made their way outside, and instead of going out onto the deck to join the others, they went inside the restaurant. It was busy, but Cameron spied an empty booth in the corner, and they snagged it before anyone else could. He’d be happy to have dinner here with Piper—just the two of them.

Once they had their drinks, she smiled at him nervously.

“What’s up?”

She laughed. “I’m terrible. Earlier I was feeling self-conscious about going to join the others. Now I’m feeling self-conscious about sitting in here with you.”