He positioned himself above her, and she spread her legs wider. His hot, hard shaft was pushing at her entrance, and she needed to feel him inside her. She cupped his ass in her hands and gasped as he thrust his hips.
Their bodies moved together as though they were two halves of the same whole. She’d told him earlier she was starting to feel that she belonged with him. Their lovemaking only reinforced that. They weren’t having sex; she understood that. No matter how much she’d tried to avoid what he was saying about wanting forever, she couldn’t avoid the fact that he was now telling her the same thing with his body—or that hers was answering him with a resounding yes.
As they moved together, he took her closer and closer to the point of no return, and her answer spilled out of her as she moaned “Yes, yes, yes. Yes!” She screamed it as her orgasm tore through her, and he continued to thrust deeper and harder until she felt him tense and he found his release deep inside her. “I love you, Piper,” he gasped as they soared away together.
When he slumped down on her chest, he tangled his fingers in her hair. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” She stared up at the ceiling, hoping that it really could be forever.
Chapter Twenty
Piper was nervous as she made her way through the offices toward the conference room. She’d only flown a short hop on Monday to take a couple of the execs down to LA for the day. They’d been easy passengers. They’d prepped for the meeting on the way there and made the most of the minibar on the way back. They weren’t the kind who were interested in her or her personal life. She was the pilot, and they’d treated her as such.
This afternoon, she was due to take one of the sales teams up to Seattle. Larissa was a member of that team, and Cam had wanted to hold a meeting before they went. He’d said he wanted to make clear to everyone that she was a new member of the team—and that they were together.
Piper still wasn’t sure that was such a good idea, but he’d insisted. Mary Ellen met her outside the conference room. “Hey, girlfriend. Smile, would you? You’ll be better off if you can go in there looking like the confident pilot, rather than the lamb off to slaughter.”
Piper laughed. “I’m not that bad, am I?”
“Not quite, no, but come on. Don’t be the cowering little thing. That’s not who you are, and it’s who some of them would like you to be.”
Piper pursed her lips, remembering her conversation with Larissa the other night. She nodded. “Do you know that woman guaranteed me Cam would be back in her bed before long?”
Mary Ellen shook her head. “We both know that’s not true, but you could take a leaf out of her book when it comes to confidence.”
Piper smiled. “I’ll try. Are you coming in?”
Mary Ellen laughed. “Yes, but I’m not going to hold your hand. You stride in there and hold your head high. I’ll come in after you.”
Piper took a deep breath as she reached for the door handle. As she entered the room, she lifted her chin and pushed her shoulders back.
Cam caught her eye and smiled. People were standing around the big conference table in little groups chatting. She spotted Larissa and gave her a curt nod. She went straight to Cam and offered him her cheek.
He leaned down and pecked it. “Damn! Even I’m scared,” he whispered.
She chuckled. “I’m not trying to be scary. I was going more for a don’t mess with me vibe.”
“It’s working.”
He looked around at everyone and cleared his throat. People made their way back to their seats, and he gestured for Piper to take the one beside him.
“Okay folks. We’re nearly done with business for today. There’s just this one last item on the agenda. As you all know, Gene is recovering well, but we don’t know when, or at this point if, he’s going to be able to fly for us again. In the meantime, we’ve contracted out flight services. Most of you know my brother, Cole. He’ll be taking over aircraft management and also providing pilot services. Some of you met Piper last week.”
Piper smiled as Connor gave her a little wave, and Larissa made a sour face.
“She’s going to be with us for a while, covering most of our flights. I’d like you all to give her a warm welcome to the team.”
She smiled around as a round of polite applause broke out, and some people muttered welcomes.
“Since Piper won’t have control over scheduling, I’ll be managing all flight requests myself until we work out a new system. For now, you can bring your requests to Mary Ellen.”
Piper wasn’t sure why there was so much unrest at that news.
Cameron seemed oblivious to it. He turned toward Connor and Lyle and then met Larissa’s gaze. “I know that may seem unusual, but this is an unusual situation. I think it’s only fair that you should all know why I’m taking a personal interest in the matter.”
Piper turned toward him wondering what he was about to say. She was shocked when he took hold of her hand and smiled. “It’s because Piper and I are living together. So, her schedule will affect mine.” He looked around the room, almost daring them to question him.
No one did. They all seemed to be in shock.