Page 15 of Damaged & Deadly

“They’ll be taken care of this week,” Dante assures his father, not elaborating further. It’s taken us a while to gather information on them and confirm it was, in fact, them who blew up our clubs. Although now with the wedding over, their demise is at the top of our to-do list.

“It better be.” Giovanni’s nostrils flare. “I don’t want any fuck-ups. I want them all gone. Every last one of them.”

The extent of his anger catches me by surprise. Sure, he was furious when he found out about the clubs, but I get the feeling there’s something else going on here. A new development, perhaps?

The muscle in the back of his jaw twitches as he grits his teeth. “The boy was apparently under their protection,” he eventually explains. “No doubt they will use this as an excuse to attack us again. I want them obliterated before any more of our clubs end up out of commission.”

Luc was under the protection of the Rejects? That doesn’t make any sense. How do they even know who he is? There’s no way Sawyer’s distaste for gangsters would allow her to let her brother fall into that sort of life, so how the hell did he get mixed up with the Rejects?

I keep my expression carefully neutral, as does Dante, who simply nods his head, giving nothing away. “Of course, Father. We’ll get it taken care of immediately.”

Appeased, for now, Giovanni nods his head before taking a sip of his scotch. Knowing he’s been dismissed, Dante turns on his heels and heads out of the office. I follow him, finding Sawyer talking to Luc in a hushed tone. Their conversation comes to an abrupt halt as we approach.

“Sawyer, we have to go,” Dante states, placing his hand on her lower back. I can see the refusal on Sawyer’s lips, but he leans in, whispering in her ear. If the flattening of her lips and spark of anger in her eyes is anything to go by, she doesn’t like what he has to say, but after a second, she gives a sharp nod. Her expression softens as she meets her brother’s gaze, and she wraps him in a tight hug, whispering in his ear before breaking off their embrace.

“Stay safe,” she murmurs. “I’ll see you soon.” With a final squeeze of his hand, she reluctantly lets go and Dante directs her toward the elevators. I hesitate in front of her brother and glance over my shoulder, finding Santos watching us closely.

“Just do as they say for now,” I tell the kid in a quiet voice, holding his gaze. “Don’t fight back, and don’t question them. And whatever you do, do not show any weakness. We’ll figure out how to get you out of this as soon as possible.”

His chin lifts in defiance, and contempt flashes across his face. “Like I’m going to listen to a word you say.”

I smirk, feeling a bit more at ease now that I’ve seen he’s got the same fire in him as his sister, and with a slight nod, I turn and stride toward the elevator as the doors slide open.


“I can’t fucking believe we left him there!” Sawyer fumes as she stomps into the house. She and Dante have been arguing the entire way home. Well, mostly, she’s been shouting and cursing him out, and he hasn’t said a word, which has only infuriated her further. I was too busy focusing on the road and thinking over tonight’s revelations.

“You know we didn’t have any other option,” I sigh, feeling the dull thud of a headache forming. Shrugging out of my jacket, I drape it over the back of the bar stool on my way to pour us all drinks. God knows, I need a stiff drink after this day.

With three glasses of whiskey on the rocks in my hand, I pass one over to Dante and set Sawyer’s on the table before sinking into a chair. Sawyer's too busy pacing back and forth, the click of her heels driving me insane as she silently fumes. “He’s just a kid. He’s a fucking kid.” She stops, spinning to face us, and I see the sheen of tears in her eyes that she’s fighting to keep back.

Sighing, I set my drink on the table and stand. Stepping toward her, I envelop her in my arms, knowing she needs that bit of comfort and Dante isn’t good with this sort of stuff. He wouldn’t know the first thing about comforting a woman, so he better be taking notes. She sags against me, her body heat penetrating through my shirt while I run my hand up and down her back in soothing circles. With her head buried against my neck, I feel the warm puffs of her breath against my skin as she takes a shaky inhale, trying to gather herself. “He’ll be okay,” I try to reassure her.

She leans back so she can look up at me. She looks utterly exhausted, and defeat lines her face. “You don’t know that.”

Lifting a hand, I tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “He’s had you as a parental figure his whole life. If anyone has a chance of withstanding what they’ll throw at him, it’s Luc.”

She gives a soft smile, but I can tell she’s not completely reassured. “What exactly will they do to him?” My arms fall away as she steps back, and I trail the backs of my fingers down her arm until my hand slides into hers. Turning, I tug her over to sit on the sofa beside me. Dante glares at where I hold her hand, but I only tighten my grip, refusing to let go as I rest our joined hands on her thigh. He can be pissed all he wants, but I’m done with this shit. Besides, he won’t act on it. He might not know how to react when Sawyer—or any woman—is upset, but he can see that she needs the emotional support he’s unable to provide.

She looks at me before her gaze swivels to Dante. “Tell me.”

Dante’s lips are pressed into a flat line, his gaze fixed on the floor as he no doubt relives his own traumatic past. Silence hangs heavy in the air, and when he finally lifts his head, his eyes are cold, detached.

“They’ll try to break him. Try to rob him of his humanity. They’ll try to strip him back to his bare-bones, remove everything that makes himhim, until there’s nothing left.” With every word out of Dante’s mouth, Sawyer squeezes my hand tighter. I can feel the fear coursing through her, seeping through her pores and making her palm slick with perspiration.

When she speaks, she sounds hoarse. “Why?” Her voice breaks over the word, and I slide closer to her, pressing my body flush against hers as I offer her the only comfort I can.

Dante’s voice is void of any emotion when he answers her, “So they can turn him into whoever they want him to be.”

Sawyer shivers as she holds my hand in a death grip. “We’re not going to let that happen.” I pierce Dante with a stern look. He’s scaring the shit out of her.

“How?” she cries. When she looks up at me, her face is pale, her mesmerizing blue eyes wide with fear.

I drop my gaze, an uncomfortable tightness forming in my chest at knowing I can’t answer her.

“We’ll find a way.” Dante’s voice rings with conviction, drawing my attention as I lift my head. His facial features are set in a determined mask, his gaze steady as he stares at Sawyer. “We’ll do whatever it takes. I won’t let them turn your brother…” He trails off with a grimace and my chest aches with empathy for him.

Tensing, Sawyer hesitantly asks, “Turn him into what?”