Page 69 of Murder & Mayhem

I grimace. “Yes.”

He chuckles lightly before growing serious again. “Okay.” He nods thoughtfully. “And what about you? What are you doing?”

“I’m just helping Cain and Oliver gather some intel.”

He quirks a disbelieving brow. “You’ve been gone for days, and Cain’s fuse has been shorter than anyone’s ever seen it, so clearly something was going on.”

“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” I assure him. “Just look out for yourself. Stay close to the clubhouse and the kids.” I wait until he nods his head before continuing. “I’m going to be gone for a bit.”

“Why? Where are you going?”

I’m already shaking my head before he’s finished speaking. “I can’t tell you. Cain, Oliver, and I have a plan. If everything works out, we might be able to turn Black Creek around. Make it a safe place to live.” I give him a hopeful look. “You could walk the streets without fear. We wouldn’t have to worry about some new gang bulldozing their way into someone else’s territory and fucking with our lives.”

He frowns. “Is that why you’re doing all of this? For me?”

“You deserve better than this town has to offer. Don’t you want to have a normal job and not have to worry about getting caught up in gang wars or shot down when you're just going about your life, minding your own business?”

“Not if it means you risking your life to achieve that!” Anger flashes across his features. “Do I want all those things? Yes, of course. But more than that, all I want is for you to be alive. None of that will matter if you’re dead.”

I give him a half-smile. “Have a little faith, Luc. I’m not going to die.”

He scoffs, but thankfully there's a slight upward twitch of his lip. “Not even the Reaper is invincible. We’re talking about the three largest gangs in Black Creek. If they wanted, they could destroy the city.”

I can’t argue with what he’s saying, even though it’s an outcome we’re hoping to avoid. “Let’s hope it doesn't come to that.”


I hug Luc tighter than usual, knowing it’s probably the last time I’ll see him for a while. I can’t risk returning to the clubhouse again and drawing any unwanted attention their way.

“I’ll see you soon, kid,” I murmur in his ear before forcing my arms to let him go.

“Yeah.” Tight lines mar his face, making him appear older than his fifteen years, and I can see concern shining in his eyes. “I know I can’t stop you, but please be careful, Sawyer. You mean more to me than anything else. I don’t care about any of the rest of that stuff. I just need you to be okay.”

Tears shine in my eyes, threatening to spill, and I cannot respond past the wedge of emotion lodged in my throat. I simply give him a curt nod and watch as he disappears back into the game room. Only when I’m alone, do I let the tears spill.

“Hey,” Oliver soothes, appearing out of nowhere and enveloping me in a hug. “Everything’s going to be okay. He’s safe here.”

“I know,” I choke out, wrapping my arms around him and melting into his touch. Oliver just holds me while I get my emotions under control, and when I’ve got everything securely packed in its box again, I pull away, giving him a soft smile. “I was actually coming to find you. I drove Raven over, but I was thinking she should stay here. Feels mean to keep her locked up if I’m not going to be around for another month.”

“Raven?” Oliver questions, confused.

I chuckle, realizing how that probably sounded to someone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about. “My bike.”


“Wanna give me a lift back to my apartment?”

He smiles. “I’d be glad to.”

When we’re in the car, his hand wrapped around mine as we head across town, I turn to look at him. “You were awfully quiet earlier. What are your thoughts on this plan?”

His gaze darts to mine for a brief moment. “I think it’s a good plan. Our best chance of success.”

“But?” I question, sensing there’s more.

“ButI don’t like that it’s you. What if something goes wrong? These men are Antonellis. No matter how nice they may seem, they’re rotten at their core.” My chest constricts uncomfortably at that, but I don’t say anything. He sighs, lifting his hand to run it through his hair. “But I get that it has to be you.” Giving my hand a reassuring squeeze, he adds, “If anyone can get the job done, it’s you.”

When he pulls up at the curb a street over from my apartment, in case Enzo is lurking nearby, I lean across the center console and fuse my lips to his for one last kiss. He returns it with bruising force before we pull away.