She huffs, pressing her lips into a tight line. “Fine. Seven p.m. in the cinema room.”
Apparently done, she makes to move away from the table, but my next words have her turning back to face me. “Eh, no. My room.”
I don’t know why she looks so uncomfortable at that thought.
“Yeah, mine. Is that a problem?” I quirk a brow in challenge and she quickly shutters her expression.
“Nope, no problem.” With tight lines around her lips, she strides away, and I pretend my eyes aren’t glued to her ass as she disappears through the doors.
At seven on the dot, there’s a knock on the door, and I feel strangely nervous as I move to answer it. Her arms are filled with goodies, and a shy smile lifts the corners of her lips.
I step aside, letting her in, and she dumps the various bags of sweets, chocolate and popcorn on the island. There’s enough sugar to have us both diabetic by the end of the night.
“I brought a couple of movie choices.”
“Sounds good. Beer?”
She accepts the bottle, and grabbing the DVDs and several bags of sweets, she plonks her ass on the sofa opposite the TV, kicking off her shoes and bringing her legs up to tuck underneath her.
I stand and watch her making herself at home in my space, not feeling as bothered by it as I probably should, although I put it down to the fact she’s spent time here before.
Her gaze flicks back and forth between the two DVDs, her lips pursed in thought, as I saunter over and sit down beside her, maintaining adequate space between us.
“What are the choices?”
“Well you said nothing girly, so it was a pretty limited choice. I had Fast and Furious or Death Race.”
“Fast and Furious is a good movie.” Snatching it from her hand, I move to put it in the DVD player. It’s kinda funny. We could have our pick of any movie we want from the various subscription services we’re signed up to. I don’t even remember the last time I used the DVD player, but here I am, inserting a disc into the tray and loading it.
The opening credits roll and Emilia tucks into her bag of snacks, not bothering to offer me any. She watches the movie like it's the most exciting thing she's seen all year, but as I watch her out of the corner of my eye, I can see how straight her spine is, the tensing of her muscles.
We're halfway through when frustration gets the better of me. “Will you just relax,” I snap out.
She glowers at me, but untucks her legs and, painstakingly slowly, lets herself relax into the seat cushions beside me.
After that, I get caught up in the action of the movie, and I almost forget about the vexing girl sitting beside me until she shifts, her head coming to rest on my chest. I look down at her in a mixture of confusion and surprise. It all makes sense when I find her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted on a soft snore. There's no way she would let herself get this close to me if she was awake.
I end up watching her more than the movie for the next half hour, only realizing it's over when the credits roll across the screen. Careful not to move too much and jostle her, I stretch for the remote, turning the TV off, and settle back against the couch cushions. I don't know why I find her proximity so intriguing. Maybe it's because I've never had a girl use me as her own personal pillow before, or perhaps it's something specific about Emilia.
As I sit and watch her, curious as to why I'm even allowing this shit to continue, a soft, pink blush slowly creeps its way up her neck and into her cheeks. Her breath hitches and I raise a brow, smirking. Such a dirty girl. If that wasn't enough to get my dick hard, her soft exhaled, “Hawk,” definitely has my cock jumping to attention.
She just said my name.
She. Just. Said. My. Name.
I drop my gaze to take in the small swell of her breasts and the loose waistband of her sweats, and before I can second guess myself or talk myself out of it, I lean into her, dipping my fingertips beneath her waistband and testing the waters. When she doesn't wake, I venture further south, trailing along the edge of her panties until my fingers brush over damp cotton.Damn, she's fucking drenched.I press down on her bundle of nerves, eliciting a moan from the back of her throat and, curious to see how far I can push this before she wakes, I slowly rub her through her panties. Her breathing becomes more rapid, and in her sleep, she drags her bottom lip through her teeth in a move that I'm quickly becoming transfixed by.
Daring to go further, I push her panties to the side and stroke my fingers lower until I reach her pussy. She arches her back, basically begging me for it, and I press the tip of my finger into her core. Slowly, inch by inch, I slide deeper into her tight pussy, feeling her clench around me. When I'm fully seated to the knuckle, I begin to slowly fuck her with my finger, incentivised by the breathy, sleepy moans she elicits.
I can tell she's close to coming when her body stiffens, and lifting my gaze to her face, I find her watching me with a sleepy, confused look on her face. I continue to thrust my finger into her and understanding slowly dawns in her azure gaze, the blush on her cheeks deepening as she tries to push me away from her.
Refusing to let her, I maneuver us so she's lying across the sofa and I'm towering over her. Her hand grips my bicep, the nails digging into the skin in a vain attempt to get me to stop, and her lips part. I can already see the protest that's forming, but I shush her.