She’s what now? There’s absolutely no fucking way I heard her correctly. Why the fuck would she be going off with those limp dicked asswipes when she can spend the whole summer with me?
“They asked me a couple of weeks ago and...I agreed.”
“When? Cancel.” The words are sharp commands, and when she grimaces, I know the next words out of her mouth are going to make me want to murder someone.
“I emailed them back to confirm last week.”
Last week? “After our threesome?”
There’s no anger left in her expression, only sorrow and resignation. “I’m sorry.”
I look at her for a long moment, trying to make sense of her words, before giving up and storming out of the hall. How can she choose to spend the summer with some mediocre band? She was supposed to spend it with me.
Chapter 12
“Did you know she was going off to spend the summer with someband?”Wilder snarls.
“Yeah, dude. Hadley told me.”
He gapes at me. “And you’re okay with it?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He crosses his arms over his chest and cocks a brow. “Seriously? That night meant nothing to you?”
I shrug again. “It was just sex, man. Good sex.Reallygood. But that was it. She was horny. We were horny.” I lift my palms in awhat are you going to do about itgesture.
He continues to frown at me before shaking his head. “You clearly have no fucking appreciation for her, if you can just let her go off on tour like this.”
“What the hell do you want me to do about it?” I gripe, so fucking done with this conversation. I already replay the look on Emilia’s face when she came far too often when I’m alone in bed at night. I don’t need to be discussing her with Wilder as well.
“Do you know what bands do with groupies?” he continues. “‘Cause that’s basically what she will be—a groupie.” I meet his penetrating stare with a deadpan one of my own. Of course I fucking know what they do, and I seriously do not need to think about Emilia fucking some other guy. It makes this unusual burning sensation start up in the base of my stomach every time I do. I googled it, but the internet tried to tell me I either had acid reflux, or was jealous. It’s clearly wrong, because I took some Pepto-Bismol, and the sensation kept occurring, but I know for a fact I’m not jealous. Hawk Davenport doesnotget jealous. Especially not over a girl.
“They have sex with them,” he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. “It’s basically all they do. And there’s three of them in the band. She’s basically going to be their glorified sex doll for the whole summer. Does she have any idea what she’s signed herself up for? I don’t think she does. Can we even trust these people? What if they hurt her or abuse her?”
“Fucking hell,” I grumble, when he won’t stop going on. “She’s in safe hands. Mason is friendly with the lead singer, and I got West to check them all out.”
I roll my eyes. “And they're clean. No reports of sexual assault, no furious ex-girlfriends. Other than drinking and partying hard, which is pretty standard for a rock band, there was nothing to find.”
He frowns. “That doesn’t mean they haven’t swept their skeletons into their closets.”
“Seriously? What is your problem? Are you in love with her or something?”
He snaps his mouth shut, and the longer the silence goes on, the higher my eyebrows climb.
“Holy shit, did you fall for her? Dude, you’re an idiot.” I chuckle, shaking my head at his stupidity. “Why would you do that? You knew she was leaving to go to college.”
He doesn’t respond, shrugging his shoulders as he collapses onto the couch beside me.
“Emilia’s one of those girls who has her whole life planned out. School, college, job, husband, house in the suburbs, two-point-five kids. The whole shebang. Even if shedidhave feelings for you, she was never going to let that interfere with the plan she’s made for herself.”
I clap him on the shoulder. “I’m sorry man, but it was just never meant to be.” I hear the door open, followed by the sounds of the others as they return, carrying all of our gowns for the graduation ceremony tomorrow.
“Hey,” Cam greets, coming to join Wilder and I on the sofas. “What’s up?”
I jerk my head toward Wilder. “This one here let himself get attached to Emilia.”