Page 16 of Blurred Lines

“I know you want this. Need it.” I insert another finger into her pussy, feeling it stretch to accommodate me. “Don't fight it.” I abandon my original slow pace for a faster one. One that makes her breath hitch and her back arch. And even though I can tell she's still not sure, she relaxes beneath my talented fingers.

Pressing my thumb against her clit, I push her over the edge, watching in awe as she falls apart. Her face relaxes, and she never once looks away from me. Her eyes almost seem to change color when she comes, the shade of green darkening. I get lost in that transformation and it takes me a second to realize she's crash-landed back down on earth...and she looks fucking pissed.

She shoves me backward, and I let her, adjusting my cock as I shift to lean back in my original spot.

“What the hell was that?” she snarls, jumping to her feet, fixing her sweats and pulling down her top to cover her midriff.

I shrug indifferently. “Just giving you what you wanted.”

She gapes at me for a long moment, her mouth opening and closing, but no words come out. Eventually she gives up, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation before storming off.

Chapter 8

The morning afterthe incidentas I’m now referring to it as—because I refuse to acknowledge it was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had—I bound up the stairs to the guys’ dorm room and rap my knuckles on the door. I refuse to let what happened result in me missing out on spending time with Hadley. You can bet your motherfucking ass that Hawk isn’t going to go out of his way to avoid me, so why should I feel like I need to keep my distance from him?

The asshole himself answers the door—because of course he does—and the second he sees me, one side of his mouth lifts in a cocky smirk. It’s not creepy or sleazy like Deke’s, but the fact that it has me subtly squeezing my thighs together is no less reassuring.

“Back for seconds?” he goads, making me scowl at him.

I snort, crossing my arms over my chest in a vain attempt to put some sort of barrier between us. “Please, of your pathetic fingering technique? You do realize you don’t just keep jamming your fingers in there, right? There issomeskill required.”

His face turns to stone with every spiteful word I spit at him, and molten rage hisses in his eyes.

“Do you have a death wish?” he snarls venomously.

“Please, Davenport, like you would do anything to me.” I step into him, trying to look intimidating, even though I have to suppress a shiver of desire at being this close to him, and jam my finger into his hard chest. Pressing up onto my toes—not that it brings me anywhere near his eye level—I hiss, “You know, what you did to me last night could be considered assault.”

His lip curls back in a sneer. “You can’t fool me. You wanted it.” An evil gleam sparks to life in his eyes and I know I’m going to hate his next words. “I heard you...moaning my name in your sleep.”

My mouth drops open on a gape, wracking my brain to remember what I was dreaming about before I woke up to Hawk’s fingers inside of me. Ihadbeen dreaming about him, but I had put that down to what he was doing to me...had I been dreaming about himbeforehe started touching me?

“Emilia.” Hadley’s too bright voice comes from behind Hawk, interrupting our standoff, and reminding me of the reason I’m here. “What’s up?”

I throw a final glare Hawk’s way before dismissing him altogether, knowing that will infuriate him more than anything I could say, and beam brightly at Hadley, holding up the flyer I found posted on the noticeboard in the girls’ dorm this morning.

There’s going to be an end of year dance, and I am determined to make it better than the Valentine's Day one—that ended up turning into a bit of a disaster.

Despite her reluctance, I coax Hadley into coming—although, let’s face it, she never really had a choice, and I know she will enjoy it once she’s there—and we make plans to go dress shopping the weekend before exams start.

Knowing there’s something to look forward to at the end of all of this, I head to the library to cram in a day of studying, and I’m completely unaware of my surroundings—so lost in trying to understand covalent bonds—that I jolt when someone sits down beside me.

Glancing up from my tablet, I frown. Of course Deke is back to harass me again. At least this time it’s in a public place, and we’re surrounded by students, so I don’t need to worry about him doing anything to me.

“Emilia.” He drags out my name with a sly smirk. “The Princes weren’t at the party last week. In fact, they haven’t been at the last few.”

I shrug. “I’m not their keeper.”

“When will they be at a party?”

“Like I said, I’m not their keeper. I have no idea.”

The smirk drops off his face, a flash of anger darting across his eyes. “Then find out.”

It can only be because we’re in a room full of people, providing me with some modicum of protection, that I dare to argue back with him. “Why? Why do you care?”

He shrugs, leaning back in his seat casually. “Just trying to be friends with them.”

I snort before I can help myself. “They don’t want to be friends with you.”