Page 95 of Filthy Rock Stars

“I just realized the world really is still spinning. It’s not just the orgasm this time.”

I chuckle. “Goofy,” I tease, rubbing his head, wishing I could say what I’m feeling.

Nico kisses my cheek playfully. “You got us a helicopter,” he says. “This is so cool.”

I grunt, embarrassed that I might have gone overboard. But who gives a shit if it’s overboard if it makes Nico happy?

“Sorry I can’t stay longer.”

Nico shrugs. “Don’t apologize. I’m just as busy.” He pulls on his underwear and slides into the seat, his eyes back on the view. “But thank you. Seriously. Thinking about this is going to keep me very satisfied until we see each other again.” He grins. “Satisfied, but also horny.”

I cock up half a smile. “Yeah. Same.”

“We’ll have a day in Seattle together before the Video Music Awards, right?” Nico asks.

“Sure,” I tell him and pull him close. “I’m counting on it.”

For the rest of the ride, we act silly and make each other laugh as we soar around Manhattan. The bad feelings threaten to take over again, sinking between my shoulder blades and creeping down my spine. But holding Nico helps me fight them off.

We lower onto the helipad, another chopper humming on the far end of the massive rooftop, motors humming loudly.

I’m half-dressed, my shirt off and pants undone, but Nico is fully put together. We kiss a bit, and I’m reluctant to let him go and so distracted by missing him, I don’t keep my guard up. When the door opens, I help him out, and Nico doesn’t release my hand.

I step out of the chopper, and he surprises me with a kiss.

“Thanks again,” he says.

I cup his cheek and hold his eye. “Of course. You deserve a million times more. Don’t forget that.”

We kiss again, and when I look up, my blood freezes.

There’s a man standing there with a camera, a shit-eating grin on his face as he studies us.

“Damn,” he calls out. “This is the best story I’ve caught in years.”

* * *


“You have to delete that,” Shadow hollers over the scream of the helicopter blades. He walks toward the man, eyes blazing with anger and fear, bare chest and tense muscles. “Fucking now!”

The man holds his hands up like he’s helpless. “Sorry. It is my job. And that’s not how this works.” He nods toward the other helicopter. “That’s my ride. Gotta go.”

My heart thuds. This might mean we’re outed. That will be a disaster for Shadow, and it will take away our chance to do this on our own terms.

I’ve never seen him act like this. He’s growling like a cornered wolf.

As the man walks away, Shadow lunges after him. “Just tell me what you want. I have more money than any tabloid could give you.”

“You think I’m that easy?” the man calls over his shoulder.

“Fuck you!” Shadow hollers again. He looks at me, and his neck muscle is bulging, and when he rushes toward the man again, I run after him.

He wouldn’t physically attack someone, would he? I can’t imagine Shadow getting violent, but he’s freaking out.

“I’ll destroy you!” he yells at the helicopter. “I will fucking destroy you, do you hear me!”

“Shadow!” I grab his arm, pulling him back as the man loads on the vehicle, two security guards standing closely by. There are a few other people in the helicopter with him, but all my attention is on Shadow as I pull him back. “Shadow, he pulled his phone out again!”