Page 28 of Kiss Me, Cowboy

The man’s eyes flicked over her in appreciation. Of course, shehadworn a too-short black leather miniskirt with towering half-boots designed to make a man look.

“As y’all know, I’m not fancy, so this will have to do,” she said, holding up the beer, purposely eyeing Marilyn.

“I hear you, sister,” Carlene called out, holding up her own bottle.

“I’ve been friends with Mary Catherine Holly ever since she braided my hair at Camp Winnekoba and taught me how to do the tootsie roll, and I can truly say that outside of Claire Campbell, there’s no person closer to me. She’s generous, stubborn, creative, bossy, and all kinds of wonderful. There is nothing I want more than to see her truly happy.”

Georgia turned to Mary Catherine, whose eyes sheened a little in the dancing lights. “So join me in raising your glasses—or your beer bottles—to something that burns brighter than the stars. May the love you share be the same love you wished for that night we sat beneath the stars as girls, the night we made our wishes.”

Mary Catherine’s chin trembled a bit, but she smiled bravely at those gathered around them.

“And may you never know regret,” Georgia said, holding her beer aloft. “Cheers!”

Everyone echoed with a cheer. Mary Catherine lifted her glass of champagne before turning to Brad. He gave her a hearty kiss, lifting her off the ground. Applause sounded, and Billy Holly shooed everyone off, telling them to grab another beer and have a good time. A mariachi band cranked up.

“Oww,” Georgia squealed ripping her arm away from the pinch Mary Catherine gave her. “What the hell?”

“You know what the hell,” she hissed, sliding her eyes toward Brad, flitting a sweet smile his way. “You know what that wish was about.”

“Sure I do,” Georgia said, rubbing her arm.

“I don’t want to be that girl anymore, George. I’m who I am now, and I’m getting married next Saturday.”

“I get that. I have the purple dress, remember?”

“It’s amethyst,” Mary Catherine sniffed, before turning pleading eyes on her. “Please, George. I need you to be for me and not against me. I can’t let myself go back to being that naïve girl. I’ve put Jax and silly wishes behind me.”

But Georgia could see very well she had not. A band of hurt squeezed her because Claire and Reed had been right. Georgia couldn’t stop her friend from making a colossal mistake. It was like watching a car spin out of control, knowing it would crash, but watching all the same, helpless to stop it. “I’m always for you, MC. Always.”

Mary Catherine nodded. “Okay then.”

Brad tapped Mary Catherine on the shoulder. “Honey, come here and tell Charles about that creek where you made your wish. The wish that brought us together.”

Georgia almost faked a gag but didn’t because she had to stop hating on Brad. She wasn’t being fair to Mary Catherine, who had the right to make her own mistakes.

The same way Georgia had.

She left Mary Catherine to the doctors and headed back to her own doctor. Likely her own mistake.

Chapter Ten

Reed sat beside Georgia in the truck, the front of the Imperial sparkling with white Christmas lights and lending a soft glow to Georgia’s face.

Neither spoke.

He knew why—they each teetered on doubt. Should they? Shouldn’t they?

“Thanks for inviting me to go with you tonight,” Georgia said finally, lifting a too-expensive-for-Holly-Hills designer bag off the floorboard.

“I enjoyed it,” he said.

“Did you?” she asked, turning to him, tilting her head like a small terrier. Not that she was anything like a terrier, outside of the tenacity she possessed. Too sleek and elusive.

“Yeah. Some parts were better than others. The tractor was nice until I screwed up and left the condom right here,” he said, lifting his wallet from the dash.

“Probably wasn’t a good idea to go there anyway. You’re not a one-night-stand kind of guy.” Her gaze focused on the hotel. Like she was scared to look at him.

He nearly choked with laughter. “Seriously? I’ve had a few one-nighters in my life.”