Page 3 of Kiss Me, Cowboy

So she didn’t like questions.

He gave a shrug at her prickly behavior, chalking it up to his being a stranger, and adjusted the radio to the Christmas station. Reba sang “Silent Night” and he turned up the volume. “It’s crazy that Christmas is almost here, huh?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Georgia said with a sigh, pulling out a tube of something from her purse and tilting down the mirror. “I thought you said you were going to keep your mouth closed? I think I’d rather be bitten than endure twenty questions.”

“Oh? Well, I’ll be happy to pull over and let you out. You can walk to town and not worry about me making polite small talk.” He tugged his gaze from the road and looked over to where she painted her lips with gloss. A shot of desire zipped to his gut—eh, below his gut—paired with aggravation at her bitchiness. “But those boots don’t look too comfortable.”

She snapped the visor up, sliding an apologetic look toward him. “Sorry. Don’t mean to be rude. I forgot what it’s like back here at home. People are... chatty.”

He nodded because she looked sincere... and she was a native Texan... and the gloss made her lips slippery, which made him want to do naughty things to her.

Whoa. Bad idea.

He needed to get a grip on his libido. He was giving the chick a ride into town. Everything about her was wrong, wrong, wrong, including the fact that she was passing through Holly Hills for the Holly girl’s wedding.

“We prefer friendly. And so you know, that was called making polite conversation,” he said, draping a hand over the steering wheel.

“Sorry. You’ve been nice, giving me a ride and all.”

He said nothing else. No reason to. Obviously, she resented “polite conversation,” and beyond the freaky sexual attraction, he had no reason to know her better. Coming up on a tilted mailbox, he checked the GPS and hooked a right onto the long dirt drive leading to the Milligan farm.

“Oh, you’re going here?” she asked, stiffening and glancing around.

“The family has a mare foaling. Owner wants me to take a look.”

“I have to get to the Imperial. I’m giving a bridal lingerie shower.”

The image of sexy lace paired with long legs hijacked his brain.

Jesus. What in the hell was wrong with him?

“This shouldn’t take long, but if you have someone who can come pick you up... ?” he left off with a one-shoulder shrug as he pulled in front of the weathered brick house with the sagging porch. The Milligans stuck to raising hogs for a local meat market, but the oldest girl rode. Paul had unknowingly bought her a pregnant mare and had no clue how to help the horse along. He’d sounded panicky on the phone moments ago.

“Well, if you don’t think it will take too long, I’ll stay here in the truck,” she said.

Paul Milligan came around the corner as Reed shut the engine off. Climbing out, Reed offered his hand.

“Hurry,” Paul said, casting worried glances at the barn over his shoulder. “She keeps getting up and down. Few minutes ago, her water broke.”

“All normal, Paul, but I’ll take a peek at her.” Reed reached in and grabbed the canvas tool bag he kept specifically for deliveries. Glancing up at Georgia, he asked, “You sure you don’t wanna come watch? It’s pretty incredible.”

Her eyes flickered around the unkempt front yard. “I’ll wait here.”

“Georgia?” Paul asked, leaning over and peeking inside the cab, breaking into a smile before assuming his previous worried expression. “Girl, what you doing home?”

“Hey, Paul,” Georgia said, sighing and reaching for the handle. “I’m here for MC’s wedding and had some car trouble. Your vet was nice enough to give me a lift into town.”

“Well, I’ll be. You sure look different from that skinny little girl who used to sell me those eggs.”

“That’s the point,” Georgia muttered, closing the door and heading toward where Reed stood.

Reed didn’t have time to ask Georgia about the strange dynamics unfolding... or the fact she once sold eggs to the Milligans. Even if he did, his hitchhiker would have likely gone rabid porcupine on him. Yeah, there was something there, but it would have to wait until after Daisy delivered her foal.

And since Georgia wasn’t home to stay, merely here for a few weeks, it would probably have to wait forever. Besides, why would he want to know more about his hitchhiker? She was so prickly she bordered on bitch.

But as he pulled the barn door open, he knew he wanted to know more about the sexy woman he’d picked up. Much more than he should.

Chapter Two