Page 39 of His Forever Girl

Monique ignored Tess’s hand and instead picked up the drawings, shoved them in a folder, and handed them to Tess. “I know what you’re thinking. I’m too ambitious. Maybe even bloodthirsty. Does that scare you?”

Tess shook her head.

Monique laughed. “It’s okay. Iamambitious. I want to succeed. This business has been a good ol’ boy network for too long. I bet you did a lot of your father’s work, but the krewes wanted to deal with Daddy, didn’t they?”

“Yeah, but that’s the way it is down here.”

“Maybe so, but I’m tired of being treated like I should be in the kitchen fetching coffee, and I think we can do great things together, Tess. Take that anger at being thought of as less and channel it into something that challenges you. Come be a part of a company that refuses to be shoved aside because a woman runs it. Time to prove to the world that Tess Ullo can stand on her own two feet.” Monique moved around the corner of her desk and glanced down at Tess’s shoes.

Tess frowned. “Yeah, I know. I thought they looked like interview shoes.”

Monique smiled, this time looking younger and not so apt to eat her young. “A little tame, but you can buy something fierce with your first paycheck. You’ll need something fabulous to wear to schmooze with the clients. In the business world, a gal has to be willing to use every

advantage she has.”

“Even her legs?” Tess joked.

“Especially her legs,” Monique said, assessing Tess again. “You’re pretty, and with the right clothes and makeup, you’d be devastating.”

“Thanks, I think,” Tess said inching toward the door, shoving both the contract and the folder in her case. “I’ll be in touch.”

Josh bumbled in with a tray holding three cups of coffee.

“I’ll be waiting for good news,” Monique said, reaching out for her cup, nodding at Josh to give Tess hers.

Tess refused the cup and instead pushed out the door into the cloudy Monday. The day reflected her emotions—gray.

Or maybe not so gray. After all, she’d just gotten a job offer.

One she really didn’t want.

But this is what she’d set into motion when she’d mailed her resume last week. She’d have to deal with it.

Her phone buzzed in her purse, and hope sprang inside her. Maybe it was her father calling to say this was all a bad nightmare. Or maybe it was Graham calling to say… what?

There was nothing left to say between them.

They were over before they’d even gotten out the gate. Okay, they’d gotten out the gate several pleasurable times, but the race had already been run. Both she and Graham were losers.

She looked down at her phone. Gigi.

“Hey,” Tess said.

“Come meet me for lunch. I got a scoop.”

“On what?” Tess pressed the button on her key fob and unlocked her car.

“Your man, that’s who.”

Tess blew out a breath. “What man? Gigi, I don’t have one.”

“Nick has dumped Miss Slutfest and is out and about. He told Shari Grabel he missed you.” Gigi made a low noise in her throat.

“Well, I don’t miss him. If you like Nick so much, why don’t you date him?”

“Maybe I will.” Gigi laughed. “Is he good in bed?”

“Lord, Gigi,” Tess complained, pulling her seatbelt on. “I’ll meet you because I’ve got a scoop… and a contract for you to review.”