Page 82 of His Forever Girl

“Loving,” he said, his head dipping toward hers. “After last night, I figured there’s nothing else I can do to make things up to you, nothing else I can do to make you feel better… .but do a repeat of that one night.”

Tess caught him by the jaw just before his lips covered hers. “Who said it was your responsibility to make anything up to me?” she whispered.

“Maybe it’s not. Maybe I just want to see you smile again,” he said, his blue eyes nearly violet as he studied her.

Tess smiled. “I think that’s the best offer I’ve received in a while.”

“Good,” he said, one arm going around her. “Now stop talking.”

“But what about tomorrow? What about when life closes in and we’re back to the real stuff?”

“To hell with tomorrow. I want this moment, Tess. I want you,” he breathed as he covered her mouth with his.

A beautiful sweet hunger swept through her. Holding his head in both her hands she took from him as much as he took from her. The kiss went from sweet to hot in seconds.

Tess moved backward, tugging Graham toward her bedroom, but she bumped into the counter.

“Oh, let’s go—” She tried to get the words out, but she couldn’t seem to stop kissing him, to stop running her hands up and down his back.

He cupped her bottom and lifted her onto the cold granite. Pulling back, he tugged the shoulder of her blouse to the side but met resistance.

“Here,” she said, grabbing the elastic bottom and jerking the shirt over her head. She’d worn a plain white bra that day, nothing dazzling or sexy, but Graham didn’t seem to mind. His hands made short work of the clasp.

“Ah,” he breathed as she shimmied out of the stretchy cotton, her breasts jiggling with the effort. “I’ve dreamed about this.”

Boneless, Tess fell back to her elbows, knocking some papers to the floor and hitting the empty fruit bowl. Graham ignored the clatter, choosing instead to shift his attention to what she’d just presented him.

“The bedroom,” she gasped as his mouth slid down her throat.

He lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Raising his head, he kissed his way up her throat to her mouth and walked to her bedroom.

Graham set her on the bed and she reached for him. “Please.”

He toed off his shoes, pulled off his socks and lowered himself to his knees, inching forward across the area rug toward her. “All in good time. You see, I’ve had these dreams, these memories of the way you feel beneath my hand. Memories of the way you smell, the way you taste.”

With that, he gently pushed her onto her back.

“Ohhh,” she said.

“Yeah, just like that.” The smile he flashed when she lifted her head to look down at him made her shiver with anticipation.

And then Graham Naquin, the man who’d stolen her job, the man she’d tried to outwit in business, the man she’d fallen half in love with months ago made Tess scream his name.

GRAHAMRUBBEDTHEsweet melon-scented soap over Tess’s chest, enjoying the way the flickering candles played over her wet skin. “If we don’t get out, we’re going to get all wrinkly.”

“Who cares?” Tess sighed, lifting her leg and using her big toe to shut off the hot water she’d turned on to warm the tepid. “I’ve never had a better bath. You’re like a soft easy chair I can snuggle into.” She wiggled against him, allowing her bottom to brush against sensitive parts of him.

When he laughed, the water sloshed over the hills and valleys of Tess’s body which he liked. Clutching the soap tightly, he continued washing, lifting her arm and soaping the length of it.

She sighed again.

Best sound ever. No, second best. First was when she’d called his name and shuddered against him. He could go to his grave happy after hearing that one.

“So that’s why you lured me over to your place,” he teased.

Tess turned the head she had resting on his chest. “I did not lure you over. This wasn’t my idea.” He made a face.

“So why did you come?” she asked, her voice suddenly serious. “Or maybe the better question is why did I let you in?”