Page 15 of His Forever Girl

“And?” she asked.

“I hired a headhunting company to look for someone who could—”

“You hired a headhunting company?” Tess arched one eyebrow.

Frank felt the steam coming off her. She had never been laid-back, but she had a good temperament on most days. Everyone at Ullo liked her. She got what she wanted, but it was because she always leaned on people rather than pushed them. Honeyed words and all that. Still, when crossed, her Irish-Italian temper simmered out of control.

“That’s what I said, Therese. These guys go out and find—”

“I know what they do. You should have inferred my question to mean why not who.”

Frank had to think about that because he hadn’t had a fancy liberal arts education—he’d been raised on the streets and got his business smarts from what had always worked for him. “I hired a headhunter because I can’t leave the company with no one to look after it. You need help and your brothers have their own careers.”

Tess slapped her hands together. “Perfect. I see where this is going now. You want a man to run the company instead of trusting your own flesh and blood. You’re just that egotistical and misogynist.”

“I don’t know those words, but if you think this is because of what you ain’t got between your legs, you’re wrong.” Leave it to Tess to think this was about gender. Okay, maybe ten percent of his reasoning had to do with her being a woman. He wanted Tess to find love, settle down, have some babies—something hard to do running a company like Frank Ullo. But mostly this was about protecting her. She couldn’t shoulder the entire burden of this place alone.

Tess had amazing talent and a keen intellect, but she possessed very little business acumen. For the past seven years, ever since she’d graduated and come to work for him, they’d done wonderful things together. Tess had found better materials for their floats, and her clever design work had krewes lining up, willing to pay big bucks for Ullo to design their floats. Frank had handled the business end and thus far it had worked like a well-oiled engine. He didn’t see any reason to change things. She had to understand that.

“This is about doing what’s best for our company.”

“How can you say that?” she asked in a small voice. It was as if the anger had dissipated, leaving a shaken shell in its place. Somehow this was worse. Anger he could handle. Hurt? Not so much.

“This ain’t personal, baby,” he said, leaning forward, keenly aware the PET scan report he’d received from the doctor a week ago sat in the drawer beneath the blotter. It pulsed into his psyche, reminding him how little time he had to settle things… how little time he had to insure his family stayed healthy, wealthy, and stable.

“Wrong. It’s extremely personal.” Tess stared at the family crest ring he’d given her for her college graduation. “More than you even know.”

Graham had very wisely stayed out of the fray, but now he looked at Frank, something wavering in his eyes. Briefly, Frank wondered what he didn’t know about Graham Naquin… and what the man had meant to his daughter.

“I shouldn’t be here for this conversation, Frank,” Graham said.

“Of course you should. You’re going to be working with Tess. Better to clear the air and get us all on firm ground.”

“No, he’s right. This is between you and me,” Tess said, her voice low. “This is about you not trusting me.”

Frank shook his head. “You’re being dramatic, Tess. This is—”

“No. You hid this from me because you knew what would happen. Don’t act as if you didn’t know I’d be upset. You created the drama, Frank.”

Frank snapped his fingers. “Don’t call me Frank. And this does concern Graham. He’ll be working with you.”

“As what?”

Frank shrugged, almost too scared to say the words. “Technically, he’ll be the chief executive officer. Your job will remain the same. He’ll need you to help him—”

“No.” Tess slammed her hand on his desk. “I don’t accept this.”

Frank narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have a say.”

“The hell I don’t. I’ve worked here all my life. In case you’ve forgotten, my last name is Ullo. You’re skipping over me, your daughter, to hire someone else. I don’t accept that.”

“This is my company. Not yours.”

Tess reeled back as if he’d slapped her.

Graham shifted in his chair. “I’m stepping outside.”

“Yes, go.” Tess jabbed a finger at the door.