Page 12 of His Forever Girl

She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck as he brought her body against his. “Always.”

“You’ll change your tune when I use all your hot water.”

“I have a tankless hot water heater. I don’t run out.” She rocked her hips against his.

“Oh, my naughty Tess. We could have some fun in here, huh?”

Tess handed him the loofah. “Do my back?”

“As long as I can also do your front.”

The shower that normally took her five minutes stretched into twenty.

Finally, wrapped in a fluffy robe, Tess stood cradling a steaming mug of coffee in her kitchen. Graham walked in, towel tucked around his waist.

“When do you leave?” she asked, pulling a carton of eggs from the depths of her mostly empty fridge. If she had some onion and spinach, she could make an omelet. But, alas, only a few cartons of yogurt and a pint of creamer.

“As soon as I take a cab back to my car.”

“Don’t bother with a cab. Since I have a meeting with a client today, I’m not taking my bike. I can drop you off.”

He smiled and something in her chest grew warm. “Damn, I thought I would ride on your handle bars, but I guess since I have to wear my suit…”

“Handle bars? I totally have a basket you could sit in,” she joked.

“Hope it’s still there.”

“The suit or the car?” she said, grabbing a pan from the dish rack.

“Both,” he said, sliding his arms around her and dropping a kiss on her ear. “Is it going to sound totally crazy to say this was the best night I’ve had in forever?”

She leaned back into him. “No. I feel like we’ve known each other for longer than a day. It’s strange, but I’m loving it.”

“Yeah, I’m loving it, too. This feels right. I can’t wait to come back to New Orleans. I can’t wait to take you out again. Then come back here.”

Tess set the eggs and pan on the stove and, lifting on her toes so she could kiss him. “I can’t wait for you to come back, either.”

After kissing her thoroughly, Graham looked down at her. “I’m going to get the job, and then we’re going to celebrate. This is a fate thing. I can feel it in my bones.”

“You think so?” Tess searched his eyes, afraid they were going too fast. After all, though she now knew every inch of his body, she didn’t know much else about him. Just because they’d fit together so well, just because he’d made her heart gallop, her body sing, and her soul shine brighter, didn’t mean they were moving toward anything serious.

No. Tess couldn’t allow herself to go over the cliff after one night with a man. That was movie crap. Not real life.

But when she looked at Graham, she could almost believe in love at first sight.

“I know so,” he said, kissing her again, taking away any doubts she had about a guy walking into a bar and tying a girl up with ribbons of fate.

Tess pulled herself away and jogged to the bar between the kitchen and living area. Picking up her phone, she handed it to him. “Here. Put your info into my phone. Where’s yours? I’ll put in mine.”

They tapped the info into each other’s phones. He handed Tess her phone, and she set it on the bar and directed him to the table. “I’m not the greatest of chefs but I can manage eggs and toast. Then I have to run. I need to go by my office before my meeting at nine o’clock.”

“That’s fine. I need to get going, too. I’m stopping by Emily’s school and I need to hit Houston before rush hour. And you never told me where you work. Is it—”

The harsh shriek of the teakettle going off interrupted him. Tess turned around and snatched it off the burner, accidently touching the hot kettle to her wrist.

“Ow!” She set the kettle on another burner and ran some cold water over her arm. Total klutz… or maybe she was nervous about talking about something that felt too good to be true.

“Let me get ice,” he said, scrambling to the freezer.