Page 54 of His Brown-Eyed Girl

“You do that,” Lucas responded, picking up Charlotte and heading to the kitchen so he could clean her face. Chris followed.

“Why didn’t you pick us up today?” Chris asked, heading to the fridge, pulling open the door and mulling over his choices.

Lucas sat Charlotte on the counter next to the sink. The child rubbed her eyes and yawned. He should have made her lie down for a nap. “I was on my way, but I couldn’t find my keys. And then those two showed up.”

Chris pulled out a pudding cup, ripped off the lid and licked it before tossing it onto the counter. “Oh. We thought we’d have to go to Mrs. Gruden’s room. We hate that place. And why are they here anyway? You’re doing okay… even if you forgot about us today.”

“Put that in the trash,” Lucas said, ripping off several paper towels, wetting them and then scrubbing at Charlotte plump cheeks. “I didn’t forget you. I was running late. So is Michael pis- uh, mad?”

“Oww!” Charlotte wiggled under the duress of the paper towel.

“He’s always mad,” Chris said, doing as Lucas suggested, but not before dropping the foil top on the tile, smearing it with chocolate. “I don’t think he likes too many people. He used to have lots of friends, but now he don’t play with no one.”

“Doesn’t play with anyone,” Lucas corrected, refusing to give up on the mess covering Charlotte’s face. He tried to be gentle, but the blasted lipstick didn’t want to come off. “Why is that?”

“Dunno,” Chris said, slurping the pudding directly from the cup.

“Get a spoon,” Lucas said, as the cellphone attached to his belt vibrated. He pulled it out.

Courtney got right to it. “Why are you giving DeeAnn a hard time? Do you know how difficult it was to get her to come and watch the kids?”

“Michael said she has a record,” he replied.

“Just possession years ago. At a concert. She was twenty and stupid. She’s cleaned up her act since.”

“She brought her boyfriend with her.”

“Oh,” Courtney said, obviously unaware of that particular. “She never said anything about bringing someone with her, but still, you want to leave. And I need someone there with the kids.”

Yes, he wanted to leave.

Didn’t he?

Of course, he did. He had a life in West Texas. A business. A ranch. A free round of golf at Las Colinas Country Club that expired next week.

But why did that sound so… unappetizing?

“But not at the expense of leaving the kids with a couple of whack jobs. If you could see your cousin and her fella, you’d know what I mean.”

“She’s always been a little colorful.” Courtney’s conviction faded a bit. “But she said you forgot to pick up Michael and Chris today.”

Accusation in her voice.

“I was on my way, but Charlotte found your lipstick, I couldn’t find my keys, and those two showed up. I didn’t forget the boys. There is aftercare, and I was on my way.”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘found my lipstick’?”

That’s what stood out to her in all that? “She found some red lipstick and tried to put it on. Don’t worry, I’ll call the carpet cleaners.”

“Carpet cleaners? There’s lipstick on my carpets?”

“A small spot, but we digress.”

“I thought you wanted to leave.”

“I do, but something doesn’t feel right with these two. I’m not Mary Poppins, but so far your children are alive, healthy, and fed on a regular basis.” He couldn’t believe he even offered her a choice. He should be packing. Ben and Courtney had sent a savior… even if she reminded him of Mittens who sat staring at him from the kitchen table.

“Get that cat off the table,” he mouthed to Chris.