Winnie tilted her head. “I’ve never had anyone not believe me before.”

“I find that highly unlikely.”

“I love it!” Winnie laughed. “You’re testing me. You want specifics? Here it goes. It’s a good thing you left home and turned your back on your father’s money and power. If you hadn’t, you’d be miserable. It’s taking longer than expected for you to make your mark on your own terms and without the Lewis name, but you’re doing it, and that’s how you’re becoming stronger and more independent.” She finished with a self-satisfied nod. “Is that specific enough for you?”

“Not really,” Veronica said. “I mean, you’re insidemyhead. This ismydream. So of course you know all those things.”

For several long seconds, Winnie held her gaze. It was horribly disconcerting.

Veronica shifted her weight from foot to foot.

“I didn’t want to have to do this,” Winnie said, her voice low. Her expression lost all the playfulness it’d been holding. “But you’ve left me no other choice. Just remember what I told you earlier.” She took a deep breath. “The paparazzi were outside earlier and are still there, waiting for you to leave the cottage.”

Chapter 20


In his dream, Terrence was fucking Ronnie again.

He knew it was a dream because they’d been at it for hours, they never stopped to rest, and they always came at the same time. After which, he would still be hard and she’d be wet and ready for him, even though they’d been fucking forever. And even though having sex with Dream Ronnie was nowhere near as awesome as having sex with Real Ronnie, it was still pretty damn amazing.

Which meant for the time being he had no choice but to be content with acting out his desires in his dreams. Maybe in the morning…


In his dream, was thrusting inside her, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder to him. “Terrence. Wake up.”

Something pushed against him, and just like that, dream time was over.

“About time,” a very real and very pale-looking Ronnie said to him from beside his bed. “I had no idea you were such a heavy sleeper. It took forever to wake you up.”

It wasn’t yet dawn. That much was obvious. Based on the level of light compared to dark in the room, he estimated theywere still a few hours away from dawn. And that was irritating. Unless she wanted sex?

“Can’t get enough of me?” he asked with a lazy grin. “Needed me so much that you couldn’t stay away and wait until morning? That’s perfectly understandable, and just in case you’re wondering, I’ll never turn down sex from you. Even if it is two in the morning.”

She cursed under her breath. “Oh my God. Get over yourself already. It’s just after four, and I didn’t wake you up for sex.”

He yawned, ready to go back to sleep and to Dream Ronnie if Real Ronnie wasn’t interested. “In the future, please refrain from waking me up at either two or four in the morning if you’re not looking for my cock.”

“There are photographers outside.”

His eyes flew open, and there was a faint humming noise inside his head. “What?”

“I assume it’s the paparazzi, but that’s just a guess. It’s not like I went outside to ask them what their intentions were.”

He doubted half a dozen espresso shots could create the buzz coursing through his body the way her handful of words had. While mere seconds ago he felt tired, now a new and alarming energy filled him.

“Paparazzi? Here?” He sat up, his brain firing random thoughts. It couldn’t be the paparazzi. Not unless they were after someone else. Just because there was no one he could think of it being didn’t make it an impossibility. The only thing he kept coming back to was it couldn’t be him. No one knew where he was.

He pushed back the sheets and stood, only remembering he was naked and half hard when Ronnie’s eyes grew wide. He gave half a thought to wrapping the discarded sheet around him, but saw no real need to do so. He’d been inside her hours before. She knew he had a cock. Hell, she knew a lot more than that.

“Nice to see some part of you is awake first thing in the morning,” Ronnie said, obviously over her initial shock at his nudity.

“I was having a good dream about fucking you.” Normally, he would have loved to have taken the time to tease her, but at the moment, he was more concerned about the cameras outside. “Morning has nothing to do with it.”

She stepped aside so he could reach his folded clothes on the dresser where he’d piled them. “I went up to the studio and saw a group of four men with camera equipment camping on the beach. I haven’t looked out any of the other windows.”

Terrence hurriedly pulled on his pants and T-shirt, his mind still racing. Was there any chance he’d look outside and discover four wildlife photographers? That made a hell of a lot more sense to him, but somehow he knew that wouldn’t be the case. “What made you go look out the window in the middle of the night?”