“There they are,” Ronnie said. “It’s been too long.”

Getting together with Fulton and Andie had been more difficult. Not because they didn’t want to, but between their work on the island and the crazy busy schedule of the Matthews family, time was scarce. They kept in touch mainly via text.

Terrence watched the young family greet Lennox and Mariela. Andie held one of their daughters, Fulton held the other.

“Look how big the twins are,” Ronnie pulled slightly on his sleeve. “Andie swears they change overnight.”

At times, it was hard to believe he’d once dated the woman who was now not only a wife and mother, but also a chef of growing renown.

Andie spotted them heading their way and gave a hello and a wave. Ronnie walked faster, but Terrence held back. He wondered how long it would take Andie to notice what on Ronnie had changed. Mariela spotted it in less than ten minutes, but she wasn’t holding an eighteen month old.

He couldn’t stop the smile or the laughter that came a brief sixty seconds later following Andie’s exclamation of, “Holy Mother of God! Look at that rock!”

Andie held Ronnie’s left hand in her free one, oohing and aahing over the solitaire he’d placed on Ronnie’s finger the week before when he’d proposed and she’d said yes.

“You suck, Terrence,” Andie said. “I can’t believe you’ve been engaged for a week and didn’t tell me.”

“And miss your reaction?” He shook his head. “No way.”

Andie didn’t reply, but turned to whisper something to Ronnie, who laughed in response. Terrence remained where he was and watched his past and his future stand side-by-side in a present he’d never imagined possible.

Life was good. Very, very good.