Tilting his hips, he gave a hard thrust. “Think your ass can handle this cock, slut?”

He wasn’t prepared for the “There’s only one way to find out, Sir” she gave in reply.

Holy fuck, he did not deserve this woman.

But he was going to keep her anyway.



Two Years Later

“I’ve already given you an answer, Mr. Evans, and your numerous emails and phone calls are not going to change that answer.”

Terrence stopped outside of Ronnie’s office. He didn’t want to interrupt the phone call she was on. Not after hearing thedon’t fuck with metone of voice she used with whatever poor sod had been unwise enough to think he could change her mind about something by pushing harder.

“I am not rehashing the same conversation again,” she said. As always when dealing with difficult people, there was no emotion detectable when she spoke, only firm resolve. Likewise, he knew her expression would be equally neutral were he to step inside and see her.

He wasn’t sure if the silence following her statement was because she was listening to Mr. Evans, or waiting for him to respond.

“Asshole,” she mumbled, and he guessed the correct answer was none of the above.

He stepped inside the office. “Problems?”

She’d been facing the window off to the side of her desk, the one overlooking the ocean, and at his question, turned around. “Only a small one. I’m getting ready to take care of it for good.”

“Sounds ominous.” He grinned and rubbed his hands together. “Can I help? I know people.”

Her frame relaxed and she grinned at his attempt at humor, which had been his goal in the first place. “Nothing as involved as all that. I’m simply going to block his number and have all his emails automatically forwarded to my trash folder.”

“My way would be more fun.”

“No doubt.” She laughed and made her way across the floor to where he stood. This office, previously used by Lennox, was larger than the one she’d originally occupied. Though she kept the furniture, she’d redone everything else in light neutral colors. The end result was a bright space that conveyed a sense of welcome while still managing to fit in with the general atmosphere of the castle. “Your way is probably also illegal.”

“Only in a handful of states.” He lowered his head and gave her a kiss. The scent of her shampoo immediately brought to mind memories of the shower they’d shared hours earlier. The temptation to take her in his arms and keep her there was strong, but he resisted and pulled back.

Her eyes danced. “Are they here?”

“Almost. They should be arriving any minute now. Lennox and Mariela are already on their way down to the docks.”

“Let’s go then,” she said and without waiting for a reply, took his hand, leading the way outside. “I can’t believe it’s finally here.”

That made two of them.

When he’d first contemplated taking over the academy, he had no idea the time it would take to get everything properly planned and executed. The academy had been closed for over a year. But finally, they were a little less than a month from reopening. Just in time for summer. He and Ronnie had been working toward that goal for what felt like forever.

They had decided to reopen slowly. The first official summer season would consist of six one-week sessions, after which they would reassess and decide the best way forward. For each session, they would welcome six other people to the island for a BDSM themed retreat. Andie had dubbed it Camp Kinky when she first heard the plan.

The original idea had been to run four sessions, but there had been so much interest, they added two more. They probably could have added double that, but decided it was better to proceed with caution instead of potentially getting in over their heads by attempting to do too much, too soon. As it stood, there was already a waiting list for future yet-to-be-scheduled dates.

During the renovations, Lennox and Mariela had been invaluable. They had visited the island several times, offering advice when asked and a listening ear when needed. Mariela and Ronnie had become fast friends, and the two couples had traveled together a few times when the renovations would allow. The MacLures had invited Terrence and Ronnie to their home in Washington State over the Christmas holiday. They’d ended up spending a week there, ringing in the New Year surrounded by the beauty of falling snow and cuddled in warm blankets. It was by far the quietest New Year’s Terrence had ever experienced. He’d loved every second of it.

It had been a challenge at times, working in such close proximity with the woman he fell more and more in love with each day. They could both be stubborn and hard-headed at times, and it hadn’t taken long for them to realize theimportance of listening and understanding the other person before making assumptions and responding.

He loved the fire inside Ronnie for things she truly believed in. Her grace and poise when someone realized who her father was. The way she refused to back down when she knew she was right. She was tough as nails and had a spine of steel. All of which made the way she submitted to him in the bedroom or in a scene even more precious.

His relationship with Ronnie was the most valuable thing to come out of the past few years. If he lost the island property tomorrow, he’d be fine as long as Ronnie remained by his side.