Terrence bit back his reply and wondered, not for the first time, why he hadn’t fired the guy and found a new agent.Because other than his annoying habit of being a dick every so often, he was a good agent.“Tell me why you called,” he said between gritted teeth.

“I had an interesting envelope delivered today,” Ken said.

Terrence took a deep breath. “I have other things to do besides playing games with you over the phone.”

“Things like Ronnie Lewis? Excuse me, Fair?”

Terrence gripped the phone case so tightly he was surprised it didn’t crack. “You’re crossing the line. You need to watch yourself.”

“Watch myself?” Ken laughed. “That’s funny considering who it’s coming from.”

A hint of unease began to settle in the pit of his stomach. “Go ahead and tell me what you were sent so I can get on with my day.”

“It’s a photo. Black and white. Grainy. It’s a bit hard to tell who’s in the background, not because the image is blurry, but because ofholy shit, that Lewis/Fair chick has some incredible tits. Only when you realize she’s being screwed do your eyes move behind her to see who the lucky bastard is who’s buried balls deep inside her. Look like you might be fucking her ass, but you can’t be certain from the angle.”

You failed her. Again.It was the only thought his head could hold at that moment.

“Who sent you the picture?” Terrence finally managed to get out.

“It doesn’t really matter, does it? It won’t change the outcome.”

Terrence stood, silent and unmoving, knowing what Ken was getting ready to say, but even knowing didn’t lessen the blow.

“I worked my way through this shit with you one time before, even to the detriment of the agency. I can’t do that again. I’m going to have to let you go as a client. I hate it. You’re a great actor, but I’m too old to deal with the baggage that you tote everywhere.”

If Terrence could find it within himself to give a shit, he might have found the will to argue. But all he could focus onwas how badly he’d failed Ronnie and how she needed to hear about the picture and the potential of others from him and not someone else.

“Okay. Fine. Whatever.”

Ken might have said something else, but Terrence was no longer listening and disconnected the call, too busy trying to figure out how he could possibly tell Ronnie the news.

Chapter 25


As it turned out, Ronnie ended up taking the news of the photo better than he had. He’d gone to her office immediately after ending the call with his agent, not even stopping to tell Fulton he’d left.

Ronnie had known something was wrong the moment she saw his face. He told her he was sorry, that she deserved a better Dom, and he’d do whatever he could to lessen any impact on her reputation. He talked on and on until she’d ever so softly put a finger over his lips and told him to be quiet for a moment. If it was possible, she’d added with a small smile.

She went on to tell him that ever since the night in the cabin, she’d assumed that there had been photos taken. With a shrug, she said at least she knew now they existed and she could stop living her life like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

They’d been interrupted then by a call from a couple enrolled for the fall and the arrival of the crew who’d been recently hired to do additional landscaping. Ronnie handled the call, and Terrence told her he’d walk the crew down to Fulton.

It had been Terrence’s plan to catch up with her later that same day, but that had been two days ago, and he still hadn’t been able to do so.

“It’s like she’s avoiding me,” he told Andie.

They were sitting in the dining room, lingering over coffee, and talking. Fulton had left minutes before. He’d ended up hiring some of the groundsmen to help with a few of the lighthouse projects he wanted to complete before he and Andie moved out and had to meet with them. Terrence had stayed to chat with Andie. She’d said Ronnie hadn’t been by for breakfast yet, and he was hoping to catch her when she did.

“Do you blame her?” Andie asked.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to determine how much she knew. Andie hadn’t been in the cottage when Lennox inadvertently guessed what he and Ronnie had been up to, and he knew Lennox well enough to know he’d keep their confidence. So she hadn’t heard it from him. He and Ronnie had not played or done anything intimate while on the island.

“Oh please,” Andie said with a wave of her hand. “You think I couldn’t tell something happened between you and Veronica at the cottage?”

He didn’t answer because he was still trying to figure out what he could have done to make himself and his actions so transparent.

“Now here you are over a week later, and you’ve been pushing her away every chance you get.” Andie tilted her head. “That doesn’t sound like you at all. What’s got into you?”