Fulton would be a great dad, just like he’d been a great husband. Terrence didn’t know many details about the man’s childhood, and he didn’t need to in order to see his obvious sincerity when he spoke of his own children and how much he wanted to be involved in their lives.

“What would I do with a BDSM academy on an island?” Terrence asked.

“Whatever the hell you want,” Fulton replied. “Live on it alone and become that weird actor dude who lives on an island, film movies in it, pay someone to run the academy for you.” Fulton grinned. “Or even better, pay Veronica to run it for you.”

Terrence almost choked on the water he was swallowing. “What the fuck?”

Fulton’s grin grew even bigger. “Don’t tell me you can’t see that she’d make one hell of a headmistress for this place.”

Terrence hadn’t thought about it, but now that he did, he had to admit Fulton had a point. Then he remembered his actions over the past week.

He wasn’t proud of the way he’d been treating her, no matter how many times he reminded himself it was for her own good. Her reaction to the potential of someone taking pictures of her and how she’d be treated still tore him apart, and he didn’t know how to make it better for either one of them. He was an actor,a successful actor, and the paparazzi would always be around. If they were together, he knew the age difference and the time they spent in a BDSM club when she was a teen would never be far from anyone’s mind.

All things considered, it seemed easier to let her go than it did to ask her to willingly put herself in the camera’s crosshairs. He damn well couldn’t ask her to be his employee and run a BDSM academy he decided to buy.

“She’d make a damn good headmistress,” Terrence said, trying and not succeeding in his attempt not to think about how hot and sexy it would be to have Ronnie as the academy’s headmistress submit to him. “But I doubt —”

“Speak of the devil,” Fulton interrupted. “Here she comes.”

Terrence turned to look over his shoulder and out the window behind him. Sure enough, Ronnie was on her way to the lighthouse, and based on the way she nearly stomped her way toward it, she was less than pleased to be doing so.

“She’s pissed,” Terrence said.

“Has to be something you did,” Fulton said, opening the door before she could knock.

“It typically is.” Terrence sighed.

Sure enough, her ire was for Terrence alone as she breezed past Fulton. “You, Hollywood.”

Damn. Back to that were they? “What crawled up your ass today, princess?”

“How about you tell that agent of yours that I’m not your fucking secretary, that if he wants to talk to you, you have a new phone, and that if he calls me Ms. Lewis one more time, I’m going to knock his teeth down his throat?”

“I love it when I’m right,” Fulton mumbled.

Ronnie had to be completely wrapped in her anger because she didn’t spare the other man a second’s attention. Terrence took a step back to fish his phone from his pocket. He didn’tremember turning it off, and no one had called him that he knew of. He turned the blank screen to her to show he hadn’t been avoiding calls.

“I’m sorry he’s been bothering you,” he said. “I’ll call him right now to see what his deal is.”

She put her hands on her hips. “I meant it about the Lewis thing.”

He hadn’t doubted it for a minute, and he wondered what Ken’s problem was. “I’ll let him know.”

She nodded and turned to walk back the way she came.

“She walked all the way down here to tell you that?” Fulton asked.

“Probably thought my phone wasn’t working.” Terrence looked down at the phone. Ken rarely called during the summer, and it’d been longer than normal since the last time they’d talked. He glanced up at Fulton. “I need to call and see what’s going on.”

“Take your time,” Fulton said. “I need to start an inventory of what we’ve brought down so far.”

Terrence waited until he disappeared into the house before calling Ken. It rang five times before he picked up.

“Terrence?” he asked.

“I gave you my new number,” Terrence led with. “Use it and stop calling Ronnie, and while we’re on the subject, she goes by Fair now. Quit calling her Lewis.”

“Do you have any further requests before I tell you why I called?”