Veronica nodded. “I would say you should run for office because you’d be great at it, but something tells me you’re not interested.”

“I did think about it briefly,” Lennox admitted. “But you’re right about the no interest part. I spent too many years ignoring my feelings for Marie, and I’ve enjoyed the past few with her too much to spend the amount of time needed to be effective in any sort of office away from her and our home.” He looked around the table. “As for the future of the academy, I still think it serves a purpose and a good one at that. I hope to sell it to someone who will continue the work I started.”

Lennox paused, almost as if he expected someone to say something. When no one did, he frowned and glanced at Marie. She nodded.

“I’m probably dropping too much on you at one time,” he continued. “But Fulton, if I’m going to be completely honest, I was hoping you and Andie would be interested. With the two of you living here and all the work you’ve put into the academy and island over the years, I could sell it to you both for next to nothing.”

Fulton looked flabbergasted, and Veronica wasn’t sure Andie’s jaw had come off the floor since Lennox’s big announcement.

“Uh…,” Fulton started.

Veronica didn’t know Fulton all that well, but she was willing to bet speechlessness wasn’t a common reaction from him. The way Terrence shot his gaze away from Lennox to gape at Fulton confirmed her suspicion.

Fulton shook his head. “We’ve been discussing how to tell you, Boss, and while we’ve come up with several different ways, this was never one of them.”

Terrence shot Andie anI told you solook but wisely kept quiet.

It was Lennox’s time to be shocked. “Tell me what?”

“Andie and I won’t be coming back after the fall session,” Fulton replied.

“What?” Lennox, Marie, and possibly Terrence replied at the same time.

“I’ve been offered the head chef position for a new restaurant opening in Seattle,” Andie said. “The owner has been very successful in New York and Boston, and he wants to expand his market. This will be his first property on the west coast.”

“You’ve had several similar offers over the years,” Marie said. “What made this one so special?”

“It’s because of me,” Fulton said. “I’ll be starting something new.”

Absolute silence fell over the table, and no one moved.

“I didn’t know you were unsatisfied with your job.” Lennox frowned. “I wish you would have told me before you went off looking for something else.”

An odd look of amusement came over Fulton’s face. “It wasn’t like that. I didn’t go looking for another job, this one just fell into my lap. Or will. Eventually.”

“I don’t understand,” Lennox replied. “What kind of job will you be doing?”

Fulton smiled damn near the biggest smile Veronica had ever seen. “Full-time, stay-at-home dad.” He gazed at his wife with a look that combined joy, love, and admiration. “Andie’s pregnant.”

Chapter 24


“I’ve been thinking,” Fulton told Terrence the next morning. With the news dropping of Andie’s pregnancy and the upcoming sale of the island and academy the night before, Fulton had asked Terrence if he could help clear out the decades-old and untouched storage areas in the lighthouse. A task, he added, he’d been putting off forever that now needed to be done. Thinking the physical activity would keep thoughts of Ronnie at bay, Terrence had agreed.

So far it hadn’t helped.

“Yeah,” Terrence replied. “About what?”

They’d just finished bringing two antique chairs down from some attic space. Fulton wiped the sweat from his brow. “About the island,” he said. “I think you should give serious thought to buying it.”

Terrence raised an eyebrow. “You do, huh?”

“I know it sounds crazy at first, but think about it. Hell, the land itself is a terrific investment, but when you add in the buildings?” Fulton gave a low whistle.

“If it’s such an amazing deal and opportunity, why don’t you and Andie buy it?” Terrence asked.

“Don’t think we didn’t give it serious thought,” he said as they walked into the kitchen. He took two water bottles out of the refrigerator and passed one to Terrence. “And if things were different, we’d jump on it in a minute. But the facts are, Andie’s pregnant and has been offered this fantastic opportunity in Seattle. She deserves this, and I want it for her. But if we buy the island and academy, it’ll end up being a full-time job.” He shrugged. “I never knew my dad. I don’t want that for my kids. I’m so excited to stay at home and care for my son or daughter. There’s no way I’m going to give that up.”