“Neither is politics, and she grew up in that environment, so I think she’ll be fine without any extra help from you.”

“You’re probably right,” Lennox conceded.

“I know I am,” was Mariela’s only reply.

“Do the two of you generally go around talking about people like they aren’t in the room?” Terrence asked.

“Yes,” Lennox said. “We think it’s more mannerly than talking about them behind their backs.”

Ronnie snorted. “At least you’re honest about it, and you do have a point.”

“I knew it was a good decision for Andie to hire you,” Lennox said. “Fulton’s going to pick us up at the dock in about thirty minutes. Are the two of you ready to head back, or do you need to pull your stuff together?”

“We don’t have much,” Ronnie replied. “We’ll be ready to leave in about five minutes. Or at least I will be.” She shot a look toward Terrence in question.

“Right behind you,” he said.

Two hours later,they were all back on the island and enjoying a huge brunch Andie had put together to welcome the MacLures back to the academy. She said she’d sent out a hurried invitation to all staff currently on the island to attend, and Terrence was shocked at the number who arrived. He obviously didn’t get out and about much when he was on the island, because if asked, he’d have guessed only half a dozen employees were in residence. There were at least fifteen, and even though thatwasn’t a huge number, it was more than double what he’d estimated.

He studied each person in attendance, trying to determine if they looked guilty or uncomfortable at all. No one looked suspicious, however, and he finally stopped when Ronnie elbowed him in the ribs and told him not to be such a creeper.

He tried telling himself since no damage had been done, the entire photographer ordeal was best forgotten. But he couldn’t shake the feeling he was overlooking something.

Chapter 23


The following Saturday night, Lennox and Marie asked for Fulton, Andie, Terrence and her to meet them for dinner at their island residence. The four of them had decided to meet together at Veronica’s office in the main building and to walk over together.

Andie arrived first, and for that, Veronica was thankful. So much so, she couldn’t help but wonder if Andie hadn’t arrived early because she had somehow picked up on her unspoken anxiety about the matter. Not that she would have minded if Fulton had been the first to show. No, the truth was, Veronica didn’t want to be alone with Terrence.

Since they’d been back on the island, he’d acted like nothing had happened between them. Sure, he was pleasant whenever their paths crossed, but it seemed to her as if he was going out of his way to avoid her.

But why would he do that?

She finally decided he’d only been interested in the chase, that he only wanted her when he thought he couldn’t have her. The realization should have made her upset over what happened at Winnie’s, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret that night.

She thought about telling him he was being ridiculous. It wasn’t like she was going to jump his bones or anything of the sort. Hell, she was a big girl. She could take a hint. If he didn’t want her, she could live with that.

“It’s about time,” Andie said while they waited in Veronica’s office for the two men.

“About time for what?” Veronica asked.

“You haven’t picked up on it?” Andie asked, her shoulders dropping in defeat. “Fulton doesn’t see it either. He thinks I’m making the whole thing up.”

“What thing?” Veronica barely had time to ask before Fulton’s voice filled her office space.

“Don’t tell me you’re trying to convince Veronica of your theory?” he asked, though the smile he wore proved he knew she was doing that exact thing.

“What theory would that be?” Terrence asked, walking into the office behind Fulton before Veronica could get the words out to ask the same question.

Fulton reached for Andie and pulled her toward him in a big bear hug. “My dear wife is adamant that Lennox and Marie are up to no good. That they have something up their sleeve. A secret they haven’t told us.”

Veronica loved how Andie didn’t try to argue with her husband. She only agreed and added, “I think they plan to tell us tonight whatever secret they’ve been keeping.”

“And I think they simply wanted to have us all over for dinner,” Fulton followed up with.

Terrence rubbed his chin. “You know, now that I think about it, she might have a point.”