“Any idea if they knew who was staying here last night and, if they did, how they found out?” Mariela asked.

Lennox shook his head. “I don’t think they did. From what they told me, their boss received an anonymous call saying something major was going to go down at the cottage involving a well-known couple. He offered a promotion to the first one to bring him details and photos.”

“In that case, they more than likely didn’t know who they were after,” Mariela said. “But they knew enough, or at least their boss knew enough, to come here which means someone let that information slip. Who knew you were staying here last night?”

“Fulton and Andie,” Ronnie answered.

“Anyone else? I can’t for a minute believe Fulton or Andie would give out that information,” Mariela said. “I just can’t.”

“No one’s saying they did, love,” Lennox said, his expression softening when he spoke to his wife. “Or that they did it with malicious intent, but I don’t think we should overlook the possibility someone might have inadvertently overheard them.”

Though he didn’t want to imagine Andie or Fulton being the reason there had been photographers on the beach, Terrencehad to agree it could have been an island employee hearing and passing along something they shouldn’t have.

“They aren’t the only ones it could have been,” Ronnie said, looking at Terrence before explaining. “Last night? At the home?”

“Shit,” Terrence said, turning to the MacLures. “Yesterday, Ronnie and I went to the children’s home, the one Fulton volunteers at. Before we left to head back to the island, Ronnie got a call from Andie asking us to stop by here to pick up a few things she needed.”

Ronnie turned pale. “And when I got off the phone, I told you in front of everyone that we needed to stop by here.”

Which meant there was no way of knowing how word got out. Did it really matter?

“Is that Andie’s car you drove here?” Lennox asked, and when Terrence confirmed, he added, “I’m going to call Fulton. Let him know what’s going on here. I’ll be back in a few.”

While they waited, Ronnie walked over to the fireplace Mariela stood near. It took Terrence a few seconds to realize she was looking at a row of framed photographs on the mantel. He’d seen them before, but obviously, with it being her first time in the cottage, she had not. They were all pictures of Winnie. Some with her and Mariela, some of her alone, painting, and even a few of her with Lennox that Mariela insisted remained displayed.

“That’s my friend, Winnie,” Mariela said with a smile as Ronnie looked from photo to photo. “This used to be her cottage.”

“She told me,” Ronnie said. Or at least he thought that was what she said. He must have heard incorrectly because Mariela didn’t act like it was strange a dead woman had talked to her.

No, she wasn’t surprised at all. In fact, she had a knowing look in her eyes. “Dream?”

“Yes,” Ronnie confirmed. “She’s the one who told me about the men outside.”

It was the oddest conversation Terrence had ever heard. Unless he was truly hearing things.

“Just smile and act like it’s normal,” Lennox whispered beside him, causing Terrence to jump. He hadn’t heard the man approach. “Trust me. It’s easier just to accept that some things we can’t explain.”

Terrence must have made some sort of noise at that because both women turned their way.

“Were you able to speak with Fulton?” Mariela asked Lennox. “What did he say?”

“He said if I wanted, he could visit my building in Seattle and find out who it was that gave my tenant the information in the first place.” He chuckled. “I told him I didn’t think that was necessary, but I’d let him know if I changed my mind.”

There was a brief moment of silence as they all collected their thoughts, Terrence was the first one to break it.

“What brought the two of you here in the first place? We weren’t expecting you until later on in the week.”

Lennox and Mariela exchanged a look. It was Lennox who answered. “We thought it’d be nice to spend a few nights here before heading to the island. But I think now we’ll head on back with the two of you.”

Mariela nodded. “You are going back today, right? I’m assuming you only stayed the night because it got too dark to get a boat?”

Lennox laughed. “What my wife is trying to say is are the two of you headed back to the island today or were you planning on staying here for more hot monkey sex?”

Mariela punched his upper arm. “You, Sir, are not funny. You’re embarrassing Veronica.”

A quick glance showed she was correct. Ronnie’s cheeks had turned a flaming shade of red.

“She’s a strong woman,” Lennox said. “She can handle it, and if not, she’ll have to learn fast. Especially if she’s going to be with him. The entertainment industry is no joke.”