“No, Sir.”

He smiled. “Then get busy. I’ve waited five years for this opportunity, and I’m not going to wait a second more than necessary.”

Ten minutes later,he made his way up the stairs to Winnie’s studio. Ronnie stood facing the window, positioned the way he’d commanded. He wasn’t sure if she could see his reflection if she looked up and into the window. At the moment, her head was down, and from what he could tell, her eyes were closed.

He moved toward her, pleased she didn’t move or break position at his approach.

“You look perfect,” he said, standing behind her. “From your perfectly spankable ass.” He gave her right butt cheek a hard slap and smiled to himself at the sharp intake of breath and resulting hiss she couldn’t swallow. “To your perfectly fuckable pussy.” Just for good measure, but mostly because he wanted to, he gave her a slap there as well.

And though it was whispered, he heard the “shit” she let slip.

This, he decided, was going to be more fun than he’d anticipated. “I can tell it’s been some time since you last played. While your form is above reproach, your self-control is sorely lacking. It appears as if I have my work cut out for me tonight.”

He didn’t think he imagined the way she shivered in pleasure at his words. He recalled while negotiating play with her years ago that she enjoyed impact play and light humiliation. It would be unwise and potentially disastrous for him to assume that was still the case.

This was why it was always better to complete a checklist before doing anything.Telling himself he hadn’t planned for the night to go in this direction didn’t change that.

Asking her in a roundabout way seemed the best way to find out. “What does having no self-control make you?”

She didn’t answer, and he delivered a hard swat to her ass. “Tell me.”

This time, she sucked in a breath, but answered. “A bad slut.”

“That’s right,” he said, knowing she could hear the smile in his voice. “A bad slut. And what happens to bad sluts who have no self-control?”

“They get spanked,” she said with a hint of longing in her voice that made him smile.

“How do they get spanked?”


“That’s right.” He gave her ass a sharp slap. “What else happens to bad sluts?”

He’d caught her off guard with that question. He had to swallow his laugh at her perplexed “Sir?”

“I’ll tell you what happens to bad sluts after they’re spanked hard, since it’s obvious no one has taken the time to teach you.” He circled her clit with his finger. “After your spanking, you have to thank me for taking my valuable time to help a worthless slut learn and improve self-control. Today, you’ll show thanks by getting on your knees before me and asking for the privilege of sucking my cock and swallowing my release. Understand?”

Her reply was a breathy, “Yes, Sir.”

“If you mess up again today, which is likely, considering what a worthless slut you are, I’ll give you an even longer hard spanking. And this time when I finish, you will express your gratitude by taking my cock up your ass for a hard fucking. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, in a similar tone as before.

The entire time they’d been talking—or rather, since he’d been talking and she’d been answering every so often—she hadn’t moved an inch. Considering it had been so long since she’d been in a similar situation, he had to admit that he was impressed.

“Brace yourself,” he said, unwilling to wait any longer before working on her ass.

His plan was to give her a long and thorough spanking. As such, he started slow and light, gradually growing harder and faster. Every three to five swats, he’d run a finger between her legs. Each pass of his finger found her wet and aroused. He glanced at her face’s reflection in the mirror and saw she’d closed her eyes in bliss. Her lips were parted just a bit, and he could well imagine the expression she’d have if her eyes were open.

“I think this slut is enjoying her spanking far too much.” He slid three fingers into her and felt her clench them as if she wanted to keep them there. “I can’t believe how wet you are from having your ass whipped. Such a filthy slut. I think you need to have your pussy spanked a few times. What do you think?”

“Please. Yes, Sir,” she said, eyes still closed.

“Look at me,” he said, suddenly desperate to see her eyes. “I want you to know exactly who’s making this pussy so wet.”

As soon as she obeyed, he began tapping her clit lightly and, repeating the pattern he’d used on her backside, slowly intensified his swats until her eyes pleaded for relief.

Which he wasn’t ready to give her yet.