“Have no fear,” he said. “The table plays no part in my plan for tonight.”

“Thank goodness. I haven’t met Lennox yet. I’d hate for our first conversation to be about how I broke his furniture.” She flashed him a smile. “First question?”

“Yes, I have condoms.”

“Then my response to your question, since you do have condoms, definite yes to sex.”

He nodded, grateful for the fact he always carried condoms in his wallet. “Excellent. Now to ensure we both have the same definition of sex, do you object to sucking my cock?”

“No, Sir.”

“Tell me in a complete sentence.”

“No, Sir,” she replied, her voice husky while her eyes grew dark with desire. “I do not object to sucking your cock.”

“Do you consent having your pussy fucked by my fingers, tongue, cock, or any combination of the three?”

“Yes, Sir. I give my consent for you to fuck my pussy with your fingers, tongue, cock, or any combination of the three.”

“Excellent,” he said. “We’ll save anal for another time. Now I want you to take your jeans off, then lean against the counter, and with one finger push your panties to the side and show me how wet you are.”

“I should tell you one thing first, Sir.” She walked a few steps over to the counter.

He lifted an eyebrow. “What is that?”

She took her jeans down while she spoke, all the while watching him with eyes that seemed to laugh. “I’m not wearing panties.”

His mouth went dry when faced with the knowledge that, indeed, the only thing to be found underneath Ronnie’s jeans was Ronnie herself.

Obviously pleased with the way she’d caught him off guard, she stepped out of her jeans and leaned against the counter. Still watching him, she dragged her finger between her legs, letting out a moan that shot straight to his dick as she did so. “I’m so wet, Sir.”

She was. Even if he overlooked the obvious evidence on her finger, there was more glistening from between her parted legs. He felt himself losing control of the situation. Ever so slowly, it was slipping away. He needed to take it back and do so definitively.

He made his way to her carefully, and she watched, taking in his every move. From each step he took to the slight movement of his chest as he breathed, she noticed.

She’d become, quite unintentionally on her part, he realized, the prey. Or more to the point, she’d become his prey. Her eyes widened as he came even closer, and he knew in that second that her body saw him as her predator, even if her mind had yet to accept it wholly.

“So wet.” He stood before her and ran a finger along the inside of her thigh and traced it to where he found her arousal on the outside of her folds. “And yet so naughty at the same time.”

“But—” she started before he placed his finger over her lips.

“Clean them,” he said, pleased when she did as he asked. “Good girl. Now the time for you to speak has passed. Unless I ask you a question, you are to remain silent.”

He waited, but she obeyed and didn’t reply. He took his fingers away from her mouth. “Do you have a safe word?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Excellent. You are, of course, to use it if ever you feel the need. What is it?”

“Red, Sir.”

He nodded. “Red. Nice and easy. I have a feeling that’s the only thing you’ll be finding nice and easy tonight.”

She swallowed, but excitement and need radiated off her in waves.

“I want you to finish getting undressed, and then to go upstairs and brace yourself against the window. Hands above your head, legs parted. I believe you’ll find the window to be much better equipped for my plans than the table. Be sure to leave the light off. The beach is probably deserted, but even if it’s not, no one will be able to see you as long as the room remains dark.”

He paused to let his words sink in, then asked. “Do you have any questions or concerns?”