And it was better than any fantasy she’d come up with on her own over the past several years. The sad part being he hadn’t done anything other than talk.

Yet with those few words, he’d managed to break down the wall she’d been hiding behind for years. The wall that let her say she had no interest in kink, and because she was alone behind the wall, no one could say otherwise.

No one except the man she’d known, be it ever so briefly, before she’d built the wall. The one she’d let her guard down for. And in letting her guard down for a few hours, years ago, she’d ensured he would always know the truth no matter how adamantly she attempted to say otherwise.

Something else struck her at that moment.

She wanted him.

Whether it was for a day or a night or even just a few hours, she wanted to experience the freedom she’d once found in yielding to him.

They weren’t the words he’d been expecting when he insisted she tell him what she’d meant earlier, but they were the ones she wanted him to hear.

“I don’t want to pretend anymore.” Veronica kept her gaze fixed on his. “Especially with you.”

His expression registered the shock she’d expected, though his voice was just as commanding. “What are you saying, princess?”

She brought her hand up and placed it on the one he still rested on her cheek. “I don’t want to pretend I’m anything other than a submissive. I want to feel what it’s like to allow myself to be that again. To experience it again. And I want to do it with you.” She stopped, waiting to see if he’d say anything, but he didn’t, so she continued. “You know who I am, where I come from, and you won’t judge me for any of it.”

His eyes searched hers. “No one you’re with should judge you for anything,” he said. “I don’t care if it’s a Dominant or the most vanilla guy on the planet. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said.

He frowned. “Yes, what?”

Fuck, what that growl did to her insides, resulting in her words coming out in a breathless whisper. “Yes, Sir.”

“Better.” His expression revealed nothing, but at least his frown was gone. “Now I’m not sure if it’s a pride thing or something completely different, but I don’t want my lack of judgment to be the only reason, or even the main reason, you want to be with me.”

She swallowed. Once again faced with the knowledge that he wouldn’t allow her to get away with anything or to avoid difficult conversations and hard questions. “It’s not. It’s more than that.” She sighed. “You, more than any other man I’ve been with, Dom or not, have the ability to see through all the bullshit I try to get away with and make me admit the truth. And it turns me on.”

He dropped his hand from her face and sat back in his chair, putting space between them. A space seemingly much colder and more expansive than before. “That’s good to know,” he said. “But you have been very vocal and exceedingly clear since we both found ourselves on the academy grounds for the summer that you want nothing to do with me. Are you certain you really want to pursue anything with me? I don’t want to be something you regret.”

“I believe, Sir”—she lowered her head a bit and peered at him from below her lashes—“I’ll only regret what I don’t do with you.”

Chapter 17


Terrence sat in the silence of her answer, absorbing it and allowing anticipation to fill every cell in his body. Ronnie was finally going to be his. Even if it only lasted the night, he told himself that was fine. He’d wanted her when she was nineteen and felt like a pervy old man every time she came to his mind after that.

To see her on the island as a fully matured woman brought all the old feelings back. Except this time there was no reason to let their ages get in the way. Ronnie had been the only roadblock, and now she wasn’t.

Fuck, there were so many things he wanted to do with her and to explore with her. What if all they had was this night in this cabin?

He stood and held his hand out to her, pulling her up to his side once she took it. Without saying a word, he did one of the things he’d been wanting to do since seeing her in the office. He put his arms around her and drew her close, pressing his lips against hers in a kiss, letting her know he was on board with whatever she wanted.

He forced himself to end the kiss and take a step back. “We’re a bit limited tonight because we haven’t exchanged checklists.Not that it’d make much difference if we had, seeing as how I don’t have my toy bag with me. I think we can still have a good time. Do you have any questions?”

“Do you have a condom?”

He couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Does this mean you’re putting sex on the table?”

Mischief danced in her eyes. “Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, Sir, but I don’t think that table is big enough or sturdy enough for us to have sex on.” She pressed a hand down on top of the wooden surface beside her.

Her reply was so unexpected, he let out a short bark of laughter. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I know.” She smiled and appeared, at least to him, to be more relaxed than normal. “But you mentioned a table, and I couldn’t help but look at that one, and in my brain I said,oh shit, that will never work.”