She didn’t move to walk away, but she didn’t sit down, either. She crossed her arms. “In your mind, a nineteen-year-old shouldn’t be into kink?”

“Now you’re putting words in my mouth. I agree a nineteen-year-old is able to give consent and be into kink. I’m saying, for me, I’m not comfortable exploring those things with a nineteen-year-old.” He paused for a second and gave her a knowing smile. “You’re doing it again, aren’t you?”

“Doing what?”

“Attempting to be in control of the situation. This time by steering the conversation to where you want it to go.” When she didn’t argue or say anything in return, he smiled in victory. “It appears I was correct.”

Her cheeks heated, and she tried to turn her face away from him, but he was having none of that. On high alert and ready for her to yellredat any minute, he gently cupped her chin and turned her face back toward him, but instead of looking at him, her eyes were downcast. And his voice, when he spoke, was anything but gentle. Even to his own ears it sounded rough and coarse. “Look at me.”

She did. He almost praised her, but changed his mind at the last second. He was both walking on thin ice and toeing the line at the same time. He had to proceed not only with caution but also slower than he’d probably ever moved before in his life. If he managed to pull it off though, he was willing to bet the end result would be worth everything.

She could try to deny her wants and needs as loud and as vocal as possible, but when she was in a position the way she was currently, with nowhere to look except straight at the truth, there was no denying her submissive nature or the resulting desires.

“There now,” he said in a softer tone. “That’s better.”

Surprisingly, she didn’t attempt to free herself from his hold, nor did she demand he release her. Her eyes shone with an acceptance and desire he hadn’t seen in her expression before. Feeling more confident he was on the right path, he continued, still moving slowly. “Let me try to figure out what topic you were trying to steer the conversation away from.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he placed a finger over her lips. “Shh. This is not the time for you to be talking.”

He’d expected her to push back and test any Dom she played with, even for her admission moments prior. What he did not expect was for her to suck his finger inside her mouth. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning and forced himself to pull it out.

“More distraction techniques?” he asked, surprised with how even his voice sounded. “It must be a topic you really don’t want to discuss with me.” He hummed. “Now what were we discussing?”

Ronnie remained silent.

“I had asked why you told me no, and from there the conversation turned to how you tested Doms. A topic you knew I’d find interesting.” He paused. “But before that, tell me why you didn’t want to talk about your reaction to my command?”

Chapter 16


Veronica didn’t know how to reply to the question Terrence asked. How could she answer him if she didn’t know the answer herself? She’d given the only reply that made sense in her head. She both wanted to see what he’d do and to find out if it was possible for her to push his buttons.

She assumed she had pushed them since he no longer appeared interested in his phone. And frankly, that only seemed fair since he’d pushed damn near every button she had when he told her to give him his phone and then added thatnowthe way he had.

Just replaying the word in her head was enough to make her shiver.

It brought back to mind the heady emotions of being under someone’s control. Although not just anyone’s, but a Dom who knew what he was doing and wouldn’t let her get away with shit. Because she’d sure as hell try.

But she didn’t admit any of that to Terrence because most of it was secondary to the real reason she didn’t want to dive too deeply into how his command made her feel.

“I can’t,” she managed to get out in a whispered response to his question. “I’m afraid if I admit it, acknowledge it, everything will change.”

His voice was lower, but still held the tone that made her all warm inside. “And by everything, you mean you’ll no longer be able to claim you’re not a submissive or to be convincing when you say it was just some phase you went through years ago?”

He’d never bought into her declaration that she had no interest in submission or that their night together was only a bit of exploration on her part. She could admit to herself now that of course he hadn’t believed it because it wasn’t true. The question was would she admit it to him?

The hold on her chin tightened. “The truth, princess,” he growled, and any thoughts she had of being less than honest disappeared.

“Yes. You’re correct,” she said.

But he wasn’t about to let her get away that easily. “Say it. I want to hear you speak the words.”

Part of her wanted to dislike the easy way he commanded her, his manner appearing to imply there was no possible way she wouldn’t do what he asked. But that didn’t make sense at all, did it? Not when she’d just admitted how much she liked it when a Dom wouldn’t let her get away with anything.

The truth of her current situation struck her at once.

He was a Dom. He was commanding her. Commanding her as a submissive.