Terrence couldn’t tell if Fulton was joking or not, but decided not to push it. It was true he didn’t understand how the female brain worked, but damned if he’d be admitting that to the man who married his ex.

“In that case,” Terrence said, “enlighten me.”

“You can’t tell her she’s a submissive. She has to come to that conclusion by herself,” Fulton said as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

“She’s never going to reach that conclusion because she’s not willing to consider the issue in the first place.”

Fulton chuckled and shook his head. “I guarantee you she’s not only willing, but she’s already considering it and probably doing so at this very moment. And before you shake your head at me, ask yourself why she felt the need to slam the door after you left.”

Terrence could think of at least twelve off the top of his head, and not one of them had anything to do with her battling the question of whether she was a submissive. He didn’t feel likegetting into an argument with Fulton, so he replied in a grunt Fulton could take to mean almost anything he wanted.

Fulton smiled. “You don’t have to believe me. Just be patient, watch, and listen.” Before Terrence could reply, Fulton looked at his watch. “I have a meeting I need to get to on the mainland. I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

Chapter 11


After his run-in with both Ronnie and Fulton, Terrence walked back to his villa and went to work exploring the possibilities of updating his phone. He’d already decided he’d do whatever it took to ensure there was no need for Ronnie to take his calls again. By the time he headed to the main building for dinner, it had been taken care of. Ronnie would be shocked he’d handled it so quickly, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when he told her.

He stepped inside the dining room and saw that Fulton had returned from his errand on the mainland and was sitting at a round table next to Andie. They weren’t eating yet, just sitting and talking.

Andie looked up when he walked in, and once she saw him, her eyes widened and she grinned as if he’d just given her the answer to a question. He found that odd since neither of them had said anything yet.

“That’s our solution,” she said.

“Terrence?” Fulton shot his wife an are-you-crazylook, and Terrence had to agree with him. Because while he’d often been seen as a problem or a problem maker, no one had ever called him the solution to anything.

But Andie had gone and got some ridiculous idea in her head, and it’d be hell on earth to get her to change her mind.

“Yes,” she said with that strange look still in her eyes. “Terrence is perfect.”

There was a soft snort at his back, and he realized Ronnie had entered behind him.

“Sorry,” Ronnie said. “I didn’t mean for that to be audible.”

Terrence didn’t believe her. He pulled out a chair at the table for her and then sat down himself. “Would you mind starting over? I feel as if I’m missing something.”

“The children’s home outside Portland?”

“Okay.” Terrence vaguely remembered Andie talking about a children’s home before, and he was fairly certain both her and Fulton spent time there helping out, volunteering or something.

“Every summer, the kids do a fundraiser for the home. A play. Art auction. Bake sale. Things like that.”

Terrence nodded, still unclear how anything Andie said pertained to him, much less perfectly.

“This summer, they’re doing a talent show. Several of them are singing, but the pianist who volunteered to play accompaniment for them broke her wrist and can’t do it now.”

Hell. She wasn’t seriously thinking what he thought she was, was she?

“Terrence can play the piano?” Ronnie asked, obviously having reached the same conclusion he had.

“Yes,” Andie said. “And he’s good too.”

“Iwasgood.” Terrence ran his fingers through his hair. “There’s a big difference. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve played?”

Andie waved her hand as if it was of no consequence he hadn’t touched piano keys in fifteen years. “I’m sure it’s like riding a bike. You never forget how.”

“You might remember how to ride a bike, but that’s not the same as actually doing it. You canrememberall you want. Just make sure you have a soft place to fall when you realize you forgot how to balance the damned thing.”