She chuckled and slapped my knee. “What did you think of the photos?”

“What did I think?” I sighed. “I think I might not sleep tonight because I’ll be replaying those images in my head. I think I’m even more screwed than I was before. And I think I’d give my left nut to paint your body right now.”

She got up and went over to the table where the paints were still lined up. My eyes widened. At first, I thought maybe she was going to grant me my wish and let me paint her, but that was probably dumb, given that Saylor wasn’t even asleep yet.

“Take off your shirt,” she said.

“Are you gonna paint me? Wait—is this just an excuse to see me shirtless?”

“Well, an eye for an eye, right?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” I said, slipping my shirt over my head.

She laughed. “Lie back and relax.”

For the next few minutes, I did just that—closed my eyes while Billie painted something up by my neck. Even when I opened my eyes to look at her beautiful face and the way her tongue slid across her lip when she concentrated, I couldn’t make out the design.

“There. All done. Perfect,” she said.

“Should I be afraid to look?”

“I think you’re gonna like it.”

I walked over to the mirror, and my jaw dropped. Billie had painted a white collar and black bow tie on my neck. I looked like one of those Chippendale’s dancers—or something straight out of Magic Mike.

“You turned me into a male stripper.”

“I might have played off a little fantasy of mine.”

“To see me strip? Because that can be arranged.”

“I figured you’d say that. But I’d never exploit you in such a way.”

“You don’t know by now that I want to be exploited by you?”

She smiled. “You’re crazy, Colby.”

“Crazy for you, yeah.” I sat back down next to her. “Today was…amazing. Truly. Thank you for everything—for winging it with me on a rainy day, for bringing my daughter joy, for letting me look at your beautiful body.”

After a long moment of silence, she asked, “Do you think she’s asleep by now?”

“Probably. But I’ll check.”

I figured there was a reason she was asking me that, and let’s just say, I was intrigued. I got up to peek in on my daughter, who was indeed out like a light, as I’d suspected she would be, given the exciting day she’d had.

“Would you like to paint something on me? On my chest?” Billie asked when I returned to the couch.

Adrenaline rushed through me. But even though I wanted to leap out of my seat and rush toward the paints, I kept calm. I cleared my throat. “I might be interested in that, yeah.”

She chuckled and collected the paints before taking my hand and dragging me to my bedroom. I locked the door.

The mood turned serious as she started to undo her corset. It felt like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. And my dick was about to leap out of my pants.

Billie stopped. “Actually, can you find me a hoodie or something in case she wakes up and I have to cover myself?”

“Yeah, of course.” Filled with anticipation, I found a black hoodie in my closet. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” She loosened the ties at the back of her corset before removing it. Her beautiful, round boobs popped out, and I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. She pulled on my hoodie, leaving it open at the front.

I grew completely hard as I stared at her gorgeous breasts, milky skin with mauve nipples. “I hope you don’t mind me looking at you for a moment.”


“You’re so beautiful,” I murmured. I wanted to touch her but wasn’t about to assume that was okay. Instead, I grabbed the black and white paints she’d used to make my bow tie. “Anything in particular you’d like me to paint on you?” I asked.

“No. I’d like to see what you come up with.”

Great. This is going to be a disaster.

As I continued to stare at her beautiful tits, only one thing came to mind. I couldn’t see anything else. And all I could think was…she’s going to hate it.

But I proceeded to do it anyway. “You can’t look down until I’m done, okay?”

“That’s fair.” She smiled.

Billie lay back as I carefully began creating my masterful artwork. Considering I had the artistic talent of a five-year-old, she had a lot to look forward to. I figured I would spare her and only paint one of her breasts. I’d decided on the left.

I enjoyed every second of brushing over her skin with the white paint, taking longer than I probably should’ve because I wasn’t sure if I’d get this opportunity again. After her whole breast was covered, I opened the black ink to finish the details of my design. My erection wouldn’t let up, and I hoped she’d understand that I had no control over it if she looked down and noticed how aroused I was.