“What? How can he do that?”

“It’s an investigation. He has a lot of leeway.”

“What am I supposed to do if he shows up here?”

“Let’s just take this step by step. That doesn’t usually happen until the officer sees how things go at the Stokes hearing. I only wanted to give you a heads up about what might happen down the road. Try to hold off on the panic. Nothing is even official yet.”

I was long past panic. But what could I do about it? Nothing. So I shook my head. “Yeah, okay. I’ll try.”

“I’m sorry I’m not calling with better news, Colby. But these things can get back on track. I’ve had cases go to a Stokes hearing, and then subsequently a green card is issued. It’s not over yet.”

No? Then why does it feel like someone just nailed my coffin shut?

Fifteen minutes later, I was pouring my second glass of whiskey when there was a knock at the door. I froze, thinking it was Officer Weber, before realizing it was probably only Billie. She’d said she was coming over tonight after her last appointment.

This was the first time since I’d walked into her tattoo shop to introduce myself as her landlord that I really didn’t want to see her. I’d let us down today, and I dreaded hurting her any more than I already had. But it was obviously too late to cancel, so I walked to the door and tried to put on my best face to greet her.

Though she was apparently as perceptive as my daughter. Billie took one look at me, and the smile fell from her face. “Shit. What happened?”



Just when we’d started bracing for the worst, nothing happened—for weeks. We’d had a three-week break from any action as we waited for the next step in the hearing process. Every single day that went by felt like borrowed time, so once again, Colby and I cherished each minute. And just as this latest stretch of peace had been unexpected, so was the moment it all came to a screeching halt one Friday afternoon.

It was the start of the weekend, and Colby had gone to pick up some takeout. I’d closed the shop down early, and we’d planned to have an early dinner and watch a kid-friendly movie with Saylor.

There was a knock at the door, and I assumed it was Colby returning earlier than expected with our food: sushi for us and Panda Express for Saylor. She loved their orange chicken. I figured maybe he’d knocked because he’d forgotten his key or was carrying too many things.

I opened the door with a smile, which quickly faded when I realized it wasn’t Colby standing before me. It was a strange-looking man with a handlebar mustache I didn’t recognize.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for Colby and Maya Lennon,” he said.

My stomach sank. “They’re not home. Who are you?”

“I’m Officer Richard Weber, an investigator on Mrs. Lennon’s immigration case. I’ve been assigned to do a home visit today.”

Shit. Even though I figured it was legit, I needed all the time I could get, so I asked, “Do you have identification?”

“Of course,” he said before taking out his official badge and showing it to me.

Saylor was playing on the ground. I looked over my shoulder at her, then back at him. “Like I said…they’re not home at the moment.”

“And you are who exactly?” he asked.

“I’m the babysitter. My name is Billie.”

“Good to meet you.” He nodded. “Are they due back anytime soon?”

“At some point, yeah. We didn’t discuss an exact time.”

He took a step inside. “Do you mind if I stay here until they return?”

Ugh. I paused to think about this before answering him. My first inclination was to ask him to leave. But then what? Sending him away would make things seem more suspicious. No matter what decision I made right now, I knew one thing: he was not getting anywhere near Saylor.

“I was just about to put her down for a nap.” Quickly realizing late afternoon was an odd time for that, I added, “She’s not feeling well. They told me she didn’t sleep last night. So she needs to lie down.”

“Her parents went out despite the fact that their daughter is sick?”

Adrenaline rushed through me. “Well, that’s judgmental of you,” I said. “They called to cancel, but honestly, I told them I didn’t mind taking the risk in getting sick. Quite frankly, if you must know… I really need the money.” I huffed. “So, if you could just wait here, please.”

Crap. I might’ve botched that one. I walked over to where Saylor was playing with her toys. “Come with me for a moment, sweetie.”

She dropped the baton in her hand and obediently followed me into her bedroom without question.

I knelt down so I was eye level with her and whispered, “Saylor, I need you to listen to me, okay? I need you to do me a really big favor. Alright?”