My eyes followed as he headed straight for the bar and ordered another drink. Then I looked back over at Laney and noticed her fiancé, Warren, reappearing on the dance floor next to her. It was like that little blip with Holden never even happened. My eyes wandered from Warren and Laney back to Holden, who now watched them from the bar.

Billie was off chatting with guests at one of the tables, so I took the opportunity to go over to where Holden was sitting.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Feel like getting some air with me? It’s a nice night.”

He shrugged. “Sure.”

I ordered a beer, and we walked out to the veranda.

“I saw you dancing with Lala.”

Holden’s longish hair blew in the breeze. “You mean the blink-and-you-missed-it dance?”

I smiled. “You took the opportunity the one moment Warren went to the bathroom, huh?”

He grimaced. “What does she see in him anyway?”

“He seems like a nice guy. Really smart—like her. Maybe that’s not what you want to hear.”

“Smart?” His eyes widened. “Why? Because he’s got some dorky science job?”

I glared at him. “Cancer researcher.”

“Details.” Holden sipped his beer. “Anyway… He’s still a fucking dork.”

“Well, so is Lala, sort of.” I laughed. “And I mean that in the nicest way. She’s a sweet, adorable nerd.”

“Yeah, she is,” he muttered, staring out.

“We can’t help who we’re drawn to, Holden. You said it yourself. Opposites attract. But I mean, even if she didn’t have the fiancé, do you think you’d be right for her at this stage in your life? Lala’s not the type of girl you cheat on.” I stared into his eyes. “You know?”

“Fuck no, she isn’t.” He looked down at the ground.

“So maybe it’s better that she’s with this guy, if he makes her happy and takes care of her. It’s what Ryan would’ve wanted.”

“Right. Ryan would not have wanted her with me. We all know that.” He laughed bitterly before taking another sip of his beer. He slammed the bottle down on a table. “Can we be done talking about this? It’s pointless.”

I regretted bringing it up. “Whatever you want, man.”

Holden then walked away, brushing past Billie on his way inside.

“There you are,” she said, looking over her shoulder. “Everything okay with Holden?”

I shook my head. “Not really. But he’ll be alright. I think he’s had a little too much to drink.”

A look of concern crossed her face. “Is this about Ryan’s sister?”

“You know about that? I didn’t think I’d ever mentioned it to you.”

“Have you ever heard that guy talk during a tattoo appointment? I’ve heard Holden’s entire life story ten times over. Plus, I saw him dancing with her. She’s really cute—and nice. Too bad Holden wasn’t…”


“Yeah.” She smiled sadly.

I exhaled. “Has anyone seen my daughter lately?”

“Don’t worry. My mom is looking after her. Oddly, she actually enjoys my mother’s company. At least someone does.”

“Saylor loves everyone,” I said.

“I think my mom loves what a girly girl Saylor is, since she never got that from me.”

I laughed, wrapping my arm around her. “Hey—question. Has anyone ever left their own wedding to fuck in the bushes?”

Billie and I had decided to skip sex for a week before the event to make our wedding night even more intense.

“I said we could wait until the wedding, but I didn’t mean at the wedding,” she said.

I kissed her forehead. “I’d probably never be able to undo all those ties on your dress in time to get us back in there before the reception ended. So I guess I’ll have to wait.” I sighed, inhaling some of the night air. “It’s kind of nice to have this break, just the two of us, huh? I feel like I haven’t stopped to breathe all night.”

She brushed her fingers through my hair. “I know.”

“Listen…I wanted to mention something to you while we have a moment to ourselves.”

She tilted her head. “What?”

“After our dance, Saylor whispered in my ear, asking me if I thought she could call you Mom now that you and I were married.”

“Oh my God.” Billie placed her hand on her chest. “You know that’s something I want. I just never wanted to pressure her. I always figured it would happen when she felt ready, you know?”

“Yeah. Of course. I think she’s holding back because she needs to know that’s what you want.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I’m so glad you told me. To think she’s been afraid to…”

We heard the DJ call out for us, so we returned inside where Billie threw her bouquet. This woman who worked at my firm ended up catching it, nearly falling flat on her ass in the process. Soon after, I was surprised to see Billie head up to the DJ and ask him for the microphone.

She cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight and celebrating the beginning of the rest of our lives with us. I just wanted to acknowledge how much I appreciate you all. This is the most important day of my life…” Her eyes searched for me on the dance floor. “Not only because I married the man of my dreams, but because of the beautiful little girl I get to spend my life with.” She looked down at Saylor standing next to me. “Saylor has accepted me with open arms from the moment we met. We became instant friends, but over time, we have become so much more. There’s only one thing I want more than to be Colby’s wife, and that’s to be Saylor’s mom.” She waved for Saylor to come join her.