Page 3 of Revved Up

“This guy is always here,” Tina says into my ear. “He’s so cool!”

I look at him closely and realize he’s got no eyebrows. My cousin and I have very different ideas of what cool is. I like nice, witty, smart men, and she likes guys who burn off their eyebrows with fireballs. I don’t think double-dating is going to be in our future.

Silence settles over the crowd as a new car enters the area. It’s an old red muscle car with two white stripes along the hood and roof. The engine is obnoxiously loud, roaring like a beast as the car slowly parts the gawking crowd.

“That’s Dillon Sanders,” Tina yells in my ear over the loud music. “He’s won every race he’s been in.”

“Cool,” I say, not finding it cool at all.

“He’s amazing,” she continues like I care at all about a future convict. “He rebuilt that car himself and he’s soooo hot.”

I watch the car as it parks, but what I’m really thinking about is that Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake. I really wish my cousin wasn’t such a delinquent. I could be biting into one right now.

The driver parks in the middle of the crowd that’s growing larger now that he’s here.

Look at all the people! Okay, now I’m curious.

The door opens and he steps out.


This guy is better than cheesecake.

This guy is gorgeous.



A tingling energy crawls along every inch of my skin as I watch Dillon Sanders step out of his car. The buzz of the crowd amplifies, like a rockstar or an A-list celebrity just arrived.

I’m certainly feeling his pull. My heart is lodged in my throat and beating like crazy.

“He’s soooo hot,” Tina says as she pulls out her phone and starts recording him.

Jealousy flares through me and I have a strong urge to knock that phone out of her hands. I don’t know where that insane urge came from, but it doesn’t seem to be leaving my body. I’m jealous of everyone who knows him, including his hot lucky girlfriend who must be somewhere in this crowd. I’m even jealous of Tina for getting that recording. I’ll have to get her to send me a copy later.

I swallow hard as I turn back to him and stare. He’s insanely hot.

His outfit is simple enough—faded blue jeans, trendy sneakers, a white t-shirt—but the way he wears it… It’s anything but simple.

The night is either getting warmer, or this man is getting me all hot and fluttery. I fan my hand over my face as Dillon slaps hands with two guys.

That smile… Wow…

He has a shaved head that I would kill to run my tingling fingers over and a smile that hits me right in the core. I’m feeling all the feels as I stare at his gorgeous face.

What would it be like to spend a night with him? To gaze at those green eyes over candlelight… To kiss that sexy mouth… To have those strong hands on me… Sliding down my ribs… Reaching under my skirt…

“Lara!” Tina shouts in my ear. I jump so high that I nearly smack her in the nose with my forehead. She leans back and looks at me funny. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I say as I glance back at Dillon’s mouth. I can tell by his lips that he’s a good kisser. It’s a statement I’d love to be able to prove. “I’m just a little warm.”

A few hot girls strut up to him, but he doesn’t seem interested even though they’re laying it on thick with flicks of their hair and thrust-out chests. He’s polite but doesn’t seem to care about their short skirts and big tits. He turns away from them and speaks a few words to a large guy in a hoodie.

It looks like everyone is either friends with him or wants to be friends with him.

Who the hell is this guy?

“They’re going to start the race soon,” she says as she grabs my arm and starts pulling. “I know just the place to watch from.”

My eyes flit back to Dillon as she pulls me through the crowd. I can’t take my eyes off him. His chest is big and muscular, his arms too. He has a tattoo sleeve running along his left arm, and although I’m not a big fan of the tattoos on all the other guys, on him they’re sexy as hell.

People start surrounding his car, checking it out and taking selfies with it. He doesn’t seem to mind. Some of the other guys are territorial around their cars and take a fit if you dare to breathe near their precious babies, but Dillon is calm and cool, looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Maybe it’s because he’s the true alpha in the place and everyone knows not to push the boundary around him, or maybe he’s just a chill guy.