Page 8 of Revved Up

This man can do anything. He’s incredible.

I don’t know this part of town, but everywhere is dark and everything looks abandoned. It seems to have been a thriving manufacturing hub at one point in time, but now it looks like a factory graveyard.

Dillon makes a few sharp turns that have me leaning into the door or leaning into his arm (I don’t mind that one so much) and the blaring police siren becomes so muted I can barely hear it.

“Almost done,” he whispers as he turns the car and heads for a huge factory with broken windows and graffiti-filled brick walls.

I swallow a scream as he accelerates right up to a closed metal garage door. He stops at the last second with his tire screeching.

I can feel my heart pounding when the car finally comes to a stop.

“Be right back,” he says as he pops out of the car, leaving the door open and the engine running. I watch as the headlights light him up while he hurries to the garage door. He lifts it easily and then returns.

“We’re going in there?” I ask as he slams the door closed and throws it into gear.

“These cops are persistent,” he says as he drives in and then throws it into park. “We’ll just have to wait it out for a bit.”

He opens his door and gets out to shut the garage door, leaving me sitting here alone.

My mind is racing. What the hell am I doing here?

We’re in an abandoned factory in a vast empty room. His headlights are lighting it up. Water is dripping in a few places from the rotting roof, there’s a pile of broken bricks in the corner, and a couple of bottles of spray paint littering the ground. At least there’s no one living inside.

And at least I have my phone. I pull it out as Dillon closes the garage door. It rattles loudly before slamming shut.

There are a few texts from Tina:

TINA: Where r u?

TINA: Did u get out?

TINA: If u got arested plz dont tell on me

Typical Tina. Always thinking of herself. I almost don’t want to write back, but I don’t want her to worry.

LARA: Got out. I’ll call you later.

I glance back and watch Dillon walking to the car. Adrenaline surges through me as he arrives and gets back in.

“Do you think they’re going to find us in here?” I ask nervously as police sirens ring out. They seem to be approaching. I hold my breath as they pass us.

“We’re safe here,” he says in a rich smooth comforting tone. “We’ll just wait a bit and then I’ll take you anywhere you want to go. You’re safe with me, angel. Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Okay,” I whisper as I hold onto my purse.

More cop cars fly by. They get quieter with every passing second.

“They’re gone now,” he says as he reclines his seat and slowly turns to me. Those green eyes are piercing up close. My body gets all tingly with the long steady eye contact.

“I’m Dillon,” he finally says.

I swallow. “I know.”

He tilts his head. “How do you know?”

“Everyone knows who you are,” I say with a playful smile. “Even me and I’m not into racing at all.”

“Then what were you doing at a drag race?”

I shrug. “My cousin brought me.”

He nods knowingly. “It didn’t look like your scene. I was wondering what you were doing there.”

“I stuck out like a sore thumb, didn’t I?”

“A sore thumb is not something I would describe you as,” he says with his eyes shining. He hasn’t looked away. It’s been firm intense eye contact since we started talking, but it doesn’t feel overbearing or uncomfortable. It feels all warm and gooey inside like chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven.

I’m not normally so forward or gutsy when it comes to guys, but I decide to take a chance. Maybe it’s the adrenaline rocketing through my veins or maybe the extreme confidence of this man brings some out of me. “So, how would you describe me?”

He makes a little growling sound as he looks me up and down. “You’re an angel.”

My eyebrows raise.

“I don’t mean that condescendingly,” he quickly clarifies. “It’s the way you make me feel.”

“The way I make you feel?”

“Salvation,” he says as shivers tingle up my spine. “Looking at you for the first time was like having a spiritual awakening. A long dormant part of me came alive. It felt like I was in the presence of something divine.”

I open my mouth, hoping that something wise and intelligent comes out. I so desperately want to live up to the image this gorgeous man has of me. “I was supposed to go to the Cheesecake Factory. That’s why I’m dressed like this.”

I close my eyes as I slowly die inside. The Cheesecake Factory? Seriously?