Page 20 of Looking Back

“I swore I wouldn’t tell.”

“Was it a teacher?” My father would lose his ever-loving mind.

“No!” He got to his feet. “I need to go. Thanks for the pizza.”

“Please don’t leave. Let’s talk about this.”

“No way. You won’t let up until you have a name.” He was right.

I followed him out to his truck. “If there’s anything you need, I’m here for you.”

He opened the driver’s side door, then turned around. “I know, sis. It was good seeing you.”

I reeled him in for a hug. “You can visit me anytime.” I squeezed him tightly. “It’ll be okay, Johnny.”Please don’t overreact.

“I’m cool. Really. You better go take care of your biker. Hopefully, the other guy came out worse than Matt.”

“Yeah. Drive safe.”

He hopped into the cab, started the truck, and drove off. I watched as my little brother’s tail lights faded into the darkness. I didn’t have a good feeling about his situation.

Flicking my gaze to the clubhouse, I wondered what Matt and his brothers had been up to tonight.

He’s an outlaw. My father’s words slammed into my heart.

I shook them away as I went inside. Matt was a good man. I trusted him. If he’d been involved with anything illegal, it was the other people who were the bad guys. Right?

With each step I took up the stairs, my stomach churned. I needed to know. Maybe I could poke around a little, make him slip up during sex and spill the beans.

Jeez, Eve. You sound no better than the older woman who got your brother to go bare. Women shouldn’t trick men!

Damn you, subconscious.



The shower door opened, then Sugar entered in all her naked glory.

My gorgeous girl stared at my black eye. I’d had a feeling she would follow me to our bedroom, so I’d been quick to wash the evidence off. She didn’t need to see another man’s blood on my hands.

She cradled the side of my cheek and winced.

“Baby, I’m okay.” I encircled her waist with my hands, tugging her to me to get her under the water. Bending at the knees to get face-to-face with her, I pecked her nose. “Do you believe me?”

Her hands glided along my chest to my arms like she was examining me. “What happened?”

“Nope. No club talk.”

She cocked her head. “You’ve got to be joking. How am I supposed to ignore the fact that you have a black eye? Obviously you were hit. I assume you were in a fight.” She took my right hand.


“Look at your knuckles! Is it safe to assume the other guy didn’t fare as well as you?” She dropped my hand and stepped back. “Will my father be here to arrest you before the day is over?”

I reached for her, but she batted my hand away. “Eve, we talked about this.”

“Right, we did. So I’m supposed to pretend you’re not injured.”